1. Zhang, N., Zhou, Q., Fan, D., Xiao, J., Zhao, Y., Cheng, K.-W.*, Wang, M.* Novel roles of hydrocolloids in foods: Inhibition of toxic Maillard reaction products formation and attenuation of their harmful effects (2021) Trends in Food Science and Technology, 111, pp. 706-715.
2. Yang, H., Ji, Z., Wang, R., Fan, D., Zhao, Y.*, Wang, M.* Inhibitory effect of selected hydrocolloids on 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo [4,5-b]pyridine (PhIP) formation in chemical models and beef patties (2021) Journal of Hazardous Materials, 402, art. no. 123486.
3. Wang, R., Tao, M., Zhu, Y., Fan, D., Wang, M.*, Zhao, Y.* Puerarin inhibited 3-chloropropane-1,2-diol fatty acid esters formation by reacting with glycidol and glycidyl esters (2021) Food Chemistry, art. No. 129843.
4. Liu, D., He, Y., Xiao, J., Zhou, Q.*, Wang, M.* The occurrence and stability of Maillard reaction products in various traditional Chinese sauces (2021) Food Chemistry, 342, art. no. 128319.
5. Liu, S., Zhu, Y., Liu, N., Fan, D., Wang, M.*, Zhao, Y.* Antioxidative properties and chemical changes of quercetin in fish oil: quercetin reacts with free fatty acids to form its ester derivatives (2021) Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 69 (3), pp. 1057-1067.
6. Zhang, X., Ni, L., Zhu, Y., Liu, N., Fan, D., Wang, M.*, Zhao, Y*. Quercetin inhibited the formation of lipid oxidation products in thermally treated soybean oil by trapping intermediates (2021) Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 69 (11), 3479-3488.
7. Teng, J., Liao, P., Wang, M.* The role of emerging micro-scale vegetables in human diet and health benefits - An updated review based on microgreens (2021) Food and Function, 12 (5), pp. 1914-1932.
8.Zhou, Q., Cheng, K.-W., Xiao, J., Wang, M.* The multifunctional roles of flavonoids against the formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) and AGEs-induced harmful effects (2020) Trends in Food Science and Technology, 103, pp. 333-347.
9. Zhang, N., Zhao, Y., Fan, D., Xiao, J., Cheng, K.-W.*, Wang, M*. Inhibitory effects of some hydrocolloids on the formation of heterocyclic amines in roast beef (2020) Food Hydrocolloids, 108, art. no. 106073.
10. Xu, H., Shen, J., Xiao, J., Chen, F., Wang, M.* Neuroprotective effect of cajaninstilbene acid against cerebral ischemia and reperfusion damages by activating AMPK/Nrf2 pathway (2020) Journal of Advanced Research, //doi.org/10.1016/j.jare.2020.07.011.
11. Gao, J., Sun, Y., Li, L., Zhou, Q.*, Wang, M.* The antiglycative effect of apple flowers in ructose/glucose-BSA models and cookies (2020) Food Chemistry, 330, art. no. 127170.
12. Sun, M., Shen, Z., Zhou, Q.*, Wang, M.*Identification of the antiglycative components of Hong Dou Shan (Taxus chinensis) leaf tea (2019) Food Chemistry, 297, art. no. 124942.
13.Zhou, Q., Cheng, K.-W., Gong, J., Li, E.T.S., Wang, M.* Apigenin and its methylglyoxal-adduct inhibit advanced glycation end products-induced oxidative stress and inflammation in endothelial cells (2019) Biochemical Pharmacology, 166, pp. 231-241.
14.Zhou, Q., Gong, J., Wang, M.* Phloretin and its methylglyoxal adduct: Implications against advanced glycation end products-induced inflammation in endothelial cells (2019) Food and Chemical Toxicology, 129, pp. 291-300.
15. Zhao, Y., Zhou, Y., Wang, M.* Brosimone I, an isoprenoid-substituted flavonoid, induces cell cycle G1 phase arrest and apoptosis through ROS-dependent endoplasmic reticulum stress in HCT116 human colon cancer cells (2019) Food and Function, 10 (5), pp. 2729-2738.
16. Teng, J., Li, Y., Yu, W., Zhao, Y., Hu, X., Tao, N.-P., Wang, M.* Naringenin, a common flavanone, inhibits the formation of AGEs in bread and attenuates AGEs-induced oxidative stress and inflammation in RAW264.7 cells (2018) Food Chemistry, 269, pp. 35-42.
17. Ou, J., Huang, J., Wang, M.*, Ou, S.* Effect of rosmarinic acid and carnosic acid on AGEs formation in vitro (2017) Food Chemistry, 221, pp. 1057-1061.
18. Zhao, Y., Fan, D., Zheng, Z.-P., Li, E.T.S., Chen, F., Cheng, K.-W.*, Wang, M.* 8-C-(E-phenylethenyl)quercetin from onion/beef soup induces autophagic cell death in colon cancer cells through ERK activation (2017) Molecular Nutrition and Food Research, 61 (2), art. no. 1600437.
19. Wan, M.L.Y., Ling, K.H., Wang, M.F.*, El-Nezami, H.* Green tea polyphenol epigallocatechin-3-gallate improves epithelial barrier function by inducing the production of antimicrobial peptide pBD-1 and pBD-2 in monolayers of porcine intestinal epithelial IPEC-J2 cells (2016) Molecular Nutrition and Food Research, 60 (5), pp. 1048-1058.
20. Zhao, Y., Fan, D., Ru, B., Cheng, K.-W., Hu, S., Zhang, J., Li, E.T.S., Wang, M.* 6-C-(E-phenylethenyl)naringenin induces cell growth inhibition and cytoprotective autophagy in colon cancer cells (2016) European Journal of Cancer, 68, pp. 38-50.