Book chapter
1.Yangsu Xie#,Yanan Yue#, Xinwei Wang*, "Part II: Experimental methods to investigate heat transfer in nanoscale," Thermal Behaviour and Applications of Carbon-Based Nanomaterials, Editors: Dimitrios Papavassiliou Hai Duong, Feng Gong, 2020.Paperback ISBN: 9780128176825, eBook ISBN: 9780128176832, Imprint: Elsevier.
27. Amin Karamati, Meng Han, Xinyue Duan, Yangsu Xie*, and Xinwei Wang*, 2024, Thermal diffusivity characterization of semiconductive 1D micro/nanoscale structures, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 233, 126012. (2024)
26. Jiali Huang, Cichun Li, Jing Liu*, Yangsu Xie*, Fluorinated Graphene Films with High Temperature Sensitivity for Uncooled Bolometer Applications, ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 2024, 7, 14, 16215–16225. (2024)
25. Cichun Li, Jinhao Peng, Jiayi Ou, Tianyu Wang*, Yangsu Xie*, Interfacial Thermal Resistance between Mechanically Exfoliated nm-Thick MoS2 and Silicon from −60 °C to 50 °C Based on ns-ET Raman Technique, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 229, 125703. (2024)
24. Hamidreza Zobeiri, Jingchao Zhang, Amin Karamati, Yangsu Xie*, Xinwei Wang*, "Anisotropic Temperatures in Multi-layered 2D Materials," Journal of Applied Physics, 135, 085102. (2024)
23. Jing Liu, Ibrahim Al Keyyam, Yangsu Xie*, and Xinwei Wang*, 2024, "Perspectives on Interfacial Thermal Resistance of 2D Materials: Raman Characterization and Underlying Physics," Surface Science and Technology, 2:8. (2024)
22. Yangsu Xie, Xinwei Wang, Thermal Conductivity of Carbon-based Nanomaterials: Deep Understanding of the Structural Effects, Green Carbon, 1, 47-57. (2023)
21. Shiyu Luo, Li Peng, Yangsu Xie, Xiaoxue Cao, Xiao Wang, Xiaoting Liu, Tingting Chen, Zhanpo Han, Peidong Fan, Haiyan Sun, Ying Shen, Fan Guo, Yuxing Xia, Kaiwen Li, Xin Ming, Chao Gao*, Flexible Large-Area Graphene Films of 50–600 nm Thickness with High Carrier Mobility. Nano-Micro Lett. 15, 61 (2023).
20. Yuanhong Huang, Lujie Wei, Tingting Chen, Tianhang Xu, Yifei Cai, Yayi Guo, Yangsu Xie*,Ultra-Low Density Carbon Nanotubes Aerogel Film for Fast and Sensitive Bolometric Sensing, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 15 (9), 12137-12145.(2023)
19. Tingting Chen , Yuanhong Huang , Lujie Wei , Tianhang Xu , Yangsu Xie*, Thermal and electrical transport in partly-reduced graphene oxide films: The effect of low temperature and structure domain size. Carbon 203, 130–140. (2023)
18. Nicholas Hunter, Amin Karamati, Yangsu Xie*, Huan Lin*, Xinwei Wang*, Laser photoreduction of graphene aerogel microfibers: dynamic electrical and thermal behaviors. ChemPhysChem. e202200417. (2022) Selected as cover feature.
17. Tianhao Lan#, Xin Deng#, Qin Wang, Yuanhong Huang, Changkun Liu, Zhongwei Sun, Yangsu Xie*, Peixin Zhang*, N‑Doped Graphene Aerogels Decorated by MoS2 Nanoflowers for Steam Generation under Low Solar Flux, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 5 (8), 10237-10247. (2022)
16. Hamidreza Zobeiri, Nicholas Hunter, Shen Xu*, Yangsu Xie*, and Xinwei Wang*, "Robust and High-sensitivity Thermal Probing at the Nanoscale based on Resonance Raman Ratio (R3)" Int. Journal of Extreme Manufacturing, 4, 035201. (2022) Selected as cover feature.

15. Liping Xiang#, Yuting Fang#, Ke Xu, Zhuanghao Zheng, Jie Dong, Yangsu Xie*, Molecular alignment induced high thermal conductivity in amorphous/ low crystalline polyimide fibers, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 193, 122959. (2022)
14. Qin Wang, Yu Wu, Xin Deng, Liping Xiang, Ke Xu, Yongliang Li, and Yangsu Xie*. Preparation and Bolometric Responses of MoS2 Nanoflowers and Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube Composite Network, Nanomaterials 12, 3: 495 (2022).
13. Yangsu Xie, Hamidreza Zobeiri, Liping Xiang, Gyula Eres, Jianmei Wang, Xinwei Wang*, Dual-pace transient heat conduction in vertically aligned carbon nanotube arrays induced by structure separation, Nano Energy, 90, A, 106516 (2021).

12. Qin Wang#, Liping Xiang#, Di Mei, Yangsu Xie*, “Graphene Aerogels: Structure Control, Thermal Characterization and Thermal Transport”, International Journal of Thermophysics, 41,11, 155. (2020)
11. Yuting Fang, Jie Dong*, Xin Zhao, Tongtong Chen, Liping Xiang, Yangsu Xie*, Qinghua Zhang, “Covalently linked polydopamine-modified boron nitride nanosheets/polyimide composite fibers with enhanced heat diffusion and mechanical behaviors”, Composites Part B: Engineering, 199, 108281,1359-8368 (2020).
10. Xin Deng, Qichun Nie, Yu Wu, Haisheng Fang, Peixin Zhang, and Yangsu Xie*, “Nitrogen-Doped Unusually Superwetting, Thermally Insulating, and Elastic Graphene Aerogel for Efficient Solar Steam Generation” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 12, 26200−26212. (2020)
9. Hamidreza Zobeiri, Shen Xu, Yanan Yue, Qianying Zhang, Yangsu Xie*, Xinwei Wang*, "Effect of Temperature on Raman Intensity of nm-thick WS2: Combined Effects of Resonance Raman, Optical Properties, and Interface Optical Interference," Nanoscale, 12, 6064, DOI: 10.1039/c9nr10186a. (2020)
8. Kai Wu, Luping Yu, Chuxin Lei, Jiexin Huang, Dingyao Liu, Yang Liu, Yangsu Xie*, Feng Chen*, Qiang Fu*, "Green Production of Regenerated Cellulose/Boron Nitride Nanosheets Textile for Static and Dynamic Personal Cooling" ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 11, 43, 40685–40693 (2019).
7. Yangsu Xie#, Meng Han#, Ridong Wang, Hamidreza Zobeiri, Xin Deng, Peixin Zhang, Xinwei Wang*, "Graphene Aerogel based Bolometer for Ultrasensitive Sensing from Ultraviolet to Far-Infrared" ACS Nano, 13, 5385-5396 (2019).
12. Pengyu Yuan, Ridong Wang, Tianyu Wang, Xinwei Wang*, Yangsu Xie*, "Nonmonotonic Thickness-dependence of In-plane Thermal Conductivity of Few-Layered MoS2: 2.4 to 37.8 nm," Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 20, 25752 (2018).
6. Yangsu Xie, Tianyu Wang, Bowen Zhu, Chaoyi Yan, Peixin Zhang and Xinwei Wang*,“Up to 19-fold Thermal Conductivity Increase of Carbon Nanotube Bundles toward High-end Thermal Design Applications”. Carbon 39, 445-458. (2018).
5. Meng Han#, Yangsu Xie#, Jing Liu, Jingchao Zhang, Xinwei Wang*, "Significantly Reduced c-axis Thermal Diffusivity of Graphene-based Papers," Nanotechnology 29, 264702 (2018).
4. Yangsu Xie, Bowen Zhu, Jing Liu, Zaoli Xu, Xinwei Wang*, 2017, "Thermal Reffusivity: Uncovering Phonon Behavior, Structural Defects, and Domain Size," Frontiers in Energy 12, 143-157 (2018).
3. Yangsu Xie, Pengyu Yuan, Tianyu Wang, Nataran Hashemi, and Xinwei Wang*. “Switch on the High Thermal Conductivity of Graphene Paper.” Nanoscale 8, 40, 17581-17597. (2016)
2. Yangsu Xie, Shen Xu, Zaoli Xu, Hongchao Wu, Cheng Deng, and Xinwei Wang*. "Interface-mediated extremely low thermal conductivity of graphene aerogel." Carbon 98: 381-390. (2016)
1. Yangsu Xie, Zaoli Xu, Shen Xu, Zhe Cheng, Nastaran Hashemi, Cheng Deng, and Xinwei Wang*. "The defect level and ideal thermal conductivity of graphene uncovered by residual thermal reffusivity at the 0 K limit." Nanoscale 7, no. 22: 10101-10110. (2015)
学术报告 (Conference Presentations):
1. Yangsu Xie and Xinwei Wang, "The defect level and ideal thermal conductivity of graphene uncovered by residul thermal reffusivity at the 0 K limit." the Nineteenth Symposium on Thermophysical Properties, June 21-26, 2015, University of Colorado campus in Boulder, Colorado, USA.
2. Yangsu Xie and Xinwei Wang. Buildings Energy Efficiency Frontiers and Innovation Technologies (BENEFIT) kick-off meeting presentation, November 16, 2016, National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL) in Golden, Colorado, USA.
3. Yangsu Xie and Xinwei Wang. “Switchable Thermal conductivity of High-Quality Graphene Paper”, The 33rd International Thermal Conductivity Conference (ITCC) and the 21st International Thermal expansion symposium (ITES), May 15-18, 2017, Utah State University in Logan, Utah, USA.
4. Yangsu Xie and Xinwei Wang, " Up to 19-fold Thermal Conductivity Increase of Carbon Nanotube Bundles toward High-end Thermal Design Applications" the Twentieth Symposium on Thermophysical Properties, June 24-29, 2018, University of Colorado campus in Boulder, Colorado, USA.
5. Yangsu Xie and Xinwei Wang, "Directional Selective Thermal Conductivity Switch-on in High Purity Graphene Paper" the Twentieth Symposium on Thermophysical Properties, June 24-29, 2018, University of Colorado campus in Boulder, Colorado, USA.
6. Yangsu Xie and Xinwei Wang, “Graphene Aerogel based Bolometer for Wideband and Ultrasensitive Sensing”, International Symposium on Numerical Methods in Heat and Mass Transfer 2019, May 24-26, 2019, Hangzhou, China, Invited talk.
7. Yangsu Xie, “Multi-pace Heat Conduction in Carbon Nanotubes Network”, International Symposium on Numerical Methods in Heat and Mass Transfer 2020, December 12-14, 2020, Ningbo, China, Invited talk.
8. 谢杨苏,“碳纳米材料的热输运:从基础理论到热输运控制”,2021年中国工程热物理学会传热传质学术会议暨国家自然科学基金传热领域项目进展交流会议,2022年7月29-31日,中国上海,特邀报告。
9.谢杨苏,“碳纳米气凝胶:从超级绝热性能到红外传感器应用”,2023 年上海市热物性大数据专业技术服务平台专家委员会议,2023年11月11日,中国上海,特邀报告。