1.Tan, Y.;Zhong, W.;Tang, W.;Fan, J.;Zhang, X.;Guo, D.;Wu, X.;Liu, Y., Domain-level Single-Nucleotide Variants Diagnose Based on Eliminating Unexpected Secondary Structure. Chemistry – A European Journal 2020.
2.Zhang,X.;Liang, X.;Huang, Q.;Liu, C.;Zhang, H.;Liu, Y., Equipment-free photothermal effect promoted self-healing and self-recovery of hydrogels. Soft Matter 2020.
3.Liang, X.;Zhang, X.;Huang, Q.;Zhang, H.;Liu, C.;Liu, Y., Simple preparationof external-shape and internal-channel size adjustable porous hydrogels by fermentation for efficient solar interfacial evaporation. Solar Energy 2020, 208, 778-786.
4.Weiyang Tang, Weiye Zhong, Jin Fan, Yun Tan, Qichen Huang andYizhen Liu*, Addressable activated cascade DNA sequential logic circuit model for processing identical input molecules, Chem. Commun., 2019, Advance Article.
5.Weiye Zhong, Weiyang Tang, Yun Tan, Jin Fan, Qichen Huang, Danli Zhou, Weimin Hong andYizhen Liu*, A DNA arithmetic logic unit for implementing data backtracking operations,Chem. Commun., 2019,55, 842-845.
6.Yizhen Liu, Zhipeng Liu, Qichen Huang, Xuechen Liang, Xuechang Zhou, Huide Fu,a Qixing Wu, Junmin Zhang and Wei Xie, A high-absorption and self-driven salt-resistant black gold nanoparticle-deposited sponge for highly efficient, salt-free, and long-term durable solar desalination,Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019,7, 2581-2588.
7.W. Y. Zhong, W. Y. Tang, J. Fan, J. M. Zhang, X. C. Zhou andY.Z. Liu*, A Domain Based DNA Circuit for Smart Single-Nucleotide Variants Identification, Chem. Commun., 2018,54, 1311-1314.
8.T.J. Zhou, J.B. Yang, D.Y.Zhu, J.Y. Zheng, S. Handschuh-Wang,X.H. Zhou,J.M. Zhang,Y.Z. Liu,C.X. He,X.C. Zhou*, Hydrophilic Sponges for Leaf-Inspired ContinuousPumping of Liquid,Advanced Science, 2017, DOI: 10.1002/advs.201700028.(IF= 6.000)
9.Y.Z.Chen, Z. Liu, D.Y. Zhu, S. Handschuh-Wang, S.Q. Liang, J.B. Yang, T.T. Kong, X.H. Zhou,Y.Z. Liu,X.C. Zhou*, Liquid Metal Droplets with High Elasticity, Mobilityand Mechanical Robustness,Materials Horizons, 2017, DOI: 10.1039/C7MH00065K. [Link](IF= 9.095)
10.X. R. Li, Y. Y. Li, Y. X. Huang, T. Zhang,Y. Z. Liu, B. Yang, C. X. He,X. C. Zhou, J. M. Zhang*,Polydimethylsiloxane organic sponge photocatalyst: high efficiency and reusability for visible light mediated cross-dehydrogenative coupling reactions, Green Chemistry, 2017, DOI: 10.1039/C6GC03558B. [Link](IF=8.506)
11.Y. Y. Li, D. Y. Zhu, S. Handschuh-Wang, G. H. Lv, J. H. Wang, T. Z. Li, C. C. Chen, C. X. He, J. M. Zhang,Y. Z. Liu, B. Yang,X. C. Zhou*,Bio-Inspired, Mechano-Regulated Interfaces for Rationally Designed, Dynamically Controlled Collection of Oil Spills from Water, Global Challenges,2017, DOI: 10.1002/gch2.201600014. [Link]
12.Liang Suqing, Li Yaoyao, Chen Yuzhen, Yang Jinbing, Zhu Taipeng, Zhu Deyong, He Chuanxin,Liu Yizhen, S. Handschub-wang, Xuechang Zhou*,Liquid Metal Sponges for Mechanically-Durable, All-Soft, Electrical Conductors, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2017, 5, 1586-1590. [Back Cover] [Link](IF=5.000)
13.Tang Weiyang, Huang Qichen, Yang Zhenjie, Zheng Qiwei, Wang Lihong, Zhang Junmin, Chen Liang, Zhou Xuechang,Liu Yizhen*, Hu Jiming,A DNA Kinetics Competition Strategy of Hybridization Chain Reaction for Molecular Information Processing Circuits Construction, Chemical Communications, 2017, 53, 1789-1792. [Outside Front Cover] [Link],(深圳大学首篇本科生第一作者的一区论文)(IF=6.567)
14.Liang Suqing, Li Yaoyao, Zhou Tingjiao, Yang jinbing, Zhou Xiaohu, Zhu Taipeng, Huang Junqiao, Zhu Julie,Zhu Deyong,Liu Yizhen, He Chuanxin, Zhang Junmin, Xue Changzhou, Mirofluidic Patterning of Metal Structures for Flexible Conductors by in situ Polymer-Assisted Electroless Deposition, Advanced Science, 2017, 4, 1600313. [Link] (IF=6.000)
15.LiangSuqing, Li Yaoyao, Yang jinbing, Zhang Junmin, He Chuanxin,Liu Yizhen*, Zhou Xuechang*, 3D stretchable, Compressible, and Highly Conductive Metal-coated Polydimethylsiloxane Sponges, Advanced Materials Technologies, 2016, 1, 1600117. [Link] [Frontispiece(卷赌博网站亮点论文)]
16.Wu Zitong, Yifei Liu,Yizhen Liu, Huaming Xiao, Aiguo Shen, Xiaodong Zhou*,Jiming Hu*. "A Simple and Universal “Turn-on” Detection Platform for Proteases Based on Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS)."Biosensors and Bioelectronics,65, (2015): 375-381. (IF=7.476)
17.Liu Yizhen, Wu Zitong, Zhou Xiaodong, Hu jiming*.Research Progress of DNA Optical Logic Gate. Acta Laser Biology Sinica, 24, 1(2015):8-16.
18.MaoKang,Yizhen Liu, Huaming Xiao, Yinran Chen, Zitong Wu,Xiaodong Zhou*, Aiguo Shen, Jiming Hu*. A Novel Platform for Detection of Protooncogene Based on Au Nanoclusters Enhanced Fluorescence. Analytical Methods, (2014). (IF=1.915)
19.Yizhen Liu, Wei Fang, Zitong Wu, Guohua Zhou, Wen Yi, Xiaodong Zhou, AiguoShen,Jiming Hu*. A One-Tube Multiplexed Colorimetric Strategy Based on Plasmonic Nanoparticles Combined with Non-Negative Matrix Factorization. Talanta,128, (2014): 305-310. (IF=4.035)
20.Yizhen Liu, Boran Dong, Zitong Wu, Wei Fang, Guohua Zhou, Aiguo Shen,Xiaodong Zhou*, Jiming Hu*. Toehold-Mediated DNA Logic Gates Based on Host-Guest DNA-GNPs. Chemical Communications50,81(2014): 12026-12029.(Back Cover) (IF=6.567)
21.Zhou Guohua,Yizhen Liu, Ming Luo, Xiuhong Li, Qinfeng Xu, Xinghu Ji, Zhike He*. Controlled Assembly of Gold Nanoparticles through Antibody Recognition: Study and Utilizing the Effect of Particle Size on Interparticle Distance. Langmuir,29, 15 (2013):4697-4702. (IF=3.993)
22.Wu Zitong,Yizhen Liu, Xiaodong Zhou, Aiguo Shen, Jiming Hu*. A"Turn-Off" SERS-Based Detection Platform for Ultrasensitive Detection of Thrombin Based on, Enzymatic Assays. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 44,(2013): 10-15. (IF=7.476)
23.Yizhen Liu, Zitong Wu, Guohua Zhou, Zhike He, Xiaodong Zhou, Aiguo Shen, Jiming Hu*. Simple, Rapid, Homogeneous Oligonucleotides Colorimetric Detection Based on Non-Aggregated Gold Nanoparticles. Chemical Communications,48, 26 (2012): 3164-3166. (IF=6.567)
24.Zhou Guohua,Yizhen Liu, Ming Luo, Qinfeng Xu, Xinghu Ji, Zhike He*. Peptide-CappedGold Nanoparticle for Colorimetric Immunoassay of Conjugated Abscisic Acid. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 4,9 (2012): 5010-5015. (IF=7.145)
3.Yizhen Liu, Boran Dong, Zitong Wu, Wei Fang, Aiguo Shen, Xiaodong Zhou, Jiming Hu*, SERS readout for tunable toehold-mediated DNA logic gates. The 24th International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy,Jena,2014.8.10-15。
5.Yizhen Liu, Zitong Wu, Aiguo Shen,Jiming Hu*,toehold displacement for DNA SERS detection using Au@Ag core-shell nanoparticles,The 23rd International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy, Bangalore, 2012.8.12-17。
6.刘翼振,伍子同,周晓东,沈爱国,胡继明*, 非聚集态纳米金与磁珠联用比色检测寡聚核甘酸序列,第十一届全国分析化学年会,青岛,2012.10.26-29。