1. 简历(Biography)
,现任环境工程系副研究员,入选深圳市海外高层次人才计划(孔雀计划C类)。2019年1月毕业于同济大学环境工程专业,获工学博士学位,并2019年3月-2020年9月于新加坡南洋理工大学从事博士后研究工作。主要的研究方向是基于清洁生产的固体废物无害化和资源化利用(如工业废渣、垃圾焚烧飞灰和底灰),垃圾填埋场相关环境过程(如典型污染物迁移与转化,垃圾填埋场沉降和产甲烷耦合过程,垃圾渗滤液处理),及基于溶出和氧化还原的微观界面过程。截止目前,以第一/通讯作者在Journal of Cleaner Production、 Journal of Hazardous Materials和Waste Management等国际知名期刊发表SCI论文30篇,另有EI和中文核心论文多篇。
Dr. Hongping He is now an Assistant Professor in the Department of Environmental Engineering at Shenzhen University. He got his doctor degree from Tongji University at Jan. 2019. He is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow from Mar.2019 to Sep.2020 in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Nanyang Technological University (NTU). His research is mainly about (i) the treatment, disposal and resource utilization of solid waste, e.g., industrial waste residual, fly ash and bottom ash, (ii) environmental processes in landfills, e.g., the fate and transformation of typical pollutants, and the coupled methane generation and biological settlement. Besides, he is also experienced in the interfacial processes relevant to dissolution and redox. As the first author, He has published 30 papers in top journals, e.g., Journal of Cleaner Production, Journal of Hazardous Materials and Waste Management.
2. 教育和工作背景(Education History & Professional Experience)
2019/03~2020/09: 博士后,土木与环境工程,新加坡南洋理工大学 (导师 Prof. XC Fei )
2015/09~2019/01: 博士, 环境工程, 同济大学, 环境科学与工程学院 (导师 段宁院士)
2012/09~2015/03: 硕士, 环境工程, 同济大学, 环境科学与工程学院 (导师 吴德礼教授)
2008/09~2012/07: 学士, 环境科学, 青岛大学, 环境科学与工程学院
3. 招生及要求
课题组正在招收固体废物处理处置、水污染控制或相近专业的博士后1-2名,研究助理1-2名。课题组将给予全方位的支持,除按深圳市和深圳大学博士后规定享受相关待遇,课题组将会每月发放一定的额外补贴,优秀者待遇从优。感兴趣的可发送个人简历至[email protected]。
1. Libing Liu, Lei Du, Sen Lu, Bo Yang, Xu Zhao, Deli Wu, Xunchang Fei, Hongping He*, Dongsheng Wang. Molecular Insight into DOM Fate Using EEM-PARAFAC and FT-ICR MS and Concomitant Heavy Metal Behaviors in Biologically Treated Landfill Leachate During Coagulation: Al Speciation Dependence. Journal of Hazardous Materials 460 (2023) 132374.
2. Jinyuan Lin, Xiaofeng Gao*, Deli Wu, Bo Yang, Hongping He**, Xunchang Fei. Microscopic Insights into Acid Corrosion Effects on Chelated MSW Incineration Fly Ash: Mechanisms of Chelate Destabilization. Journal of Cleaner Production 445 (2024) 141269.
3. Xunchang Fei*, Hongping He**, Xiaoqing Pi, Xuhong Lu, Qinqin Chen, Jun Ma, Yao Wang, Mingliang Fang, Chuangzhou Wu, Shijin Feng. The Distribution, Behavior, and Release of Plastic Waste and Microplastics in Solid Waste Disposal Sites. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 53, 2023, 366-389.
4. Shijin Dai, Libing Liu, Hongping He*, Bo Yang, Deli Wu, Youcai Zhao, Dongjie Niu. Highly-efficient Molten NaOH-KOH for Organochlorine Destruction: Performance and Mechanism. Environmental Research, 217, 2023, 114815.
5. Qian Liang, Linhua Jiang*, Ning Duan*, Fuyuan Xu, Hongping He. Exploration of the Arsenic Removal Performance Fluctuation Using H2S from Highly Acidic Wastewater in Copper Smelting. Journal of Cleaner Production, 376, 2022, 134311.
6. Hongping He, Xunchang Fei*. Scaling Up Laboratory Column Testing Results to Predict Coupled Methane Generation and Biological Settlement in Full-Scale Municipal Solid Waste Landfills. Waste Management 115 (2020) 25-35.
7. Hongping He, Jianglin Cao, Xunchang Fei, Ning Duan*. High-temperature Annealing of ZnO Nanoparticles Increases the Dissolution Magnitude and Rate in Water by Altering O Vacancy Distribution. Environment International 130 (2019) 104930.
8. Hongping He, Jianglin Cao, Ning Duan*. Defects and Their Behaviors in Mineral Dissolution under Water Environment: A Review. Science of the Total Environment 651 (2019) 2208-2217.
9. Hongping He, Deli Wu*, Linghui Zhao, Cong Luo, Yalei Zhang. Sequestration of Chelated Copper by Structural Fe(II): Reductive Decomplexation and Transformation of CuII–EDTA. Journal of Hazardous Materials 309 (2016) 116–125.
10. Hongping He, Deli Wu*, Quanming Wang, Cong Luo, Ning Duan. Sequestration of Hexavalent Chromium by Fe(Ⅱ)/Fe(Ⅲ) Hydroxides: Structural Fe(Ⅱ) Reactivity and PO43- Effect. Chemical Engineering Journal 283 (2016) 948-955.