1. J.Y. Li, J.B. Zhang, C. Li, Z. Yang, H.Y. Wang, J. Gan, Q.F. Ye, X.Y. Xu, Z. Li. Stereoisomeric isolation and stereoselective fate of insecticide paichongding in flooded paddy soils. Environmental Science & Technology 2013, 47: 12768-12774.
2. J.Y. Li, L. Dodgen, Q.F. Ye, J. Gan. Degradation kinetics and metabolites of carbamazepine in soil. Environmental Science & Technology 2013, 47: 3678-3684.
3. J.Y. Li, L. Dodgen, Q.F. Ye, J. Gan. Degradation and transformation products of acetaminophen in soil. Water Research 2014, 49: 44-52.
4. T.D. Ding, X.T. Huang, L.Y. Wei, J.Y. Li*. Size-dependent effect of microplastics on toxicity and fate of diclofenac in two algae. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2023, 451: 131071.
5. S.W. Xu, L.X. Guo, W.Y. Ding, Y.D. Chen, Y. Chen, Z.Y. Yu, L. Xu, Q. Jing, K. Chen, J.Y. Li*, H.Y. Wang*. Fate and transformation of uniformly 14C-ring-labeled bisphenol S in different aerobic soils. Science of the Total Environment 2023, 905: 167166
6. Y.G. Qian, Z.W. Ye, Y.Y. Wu, D.X. Wang, X.T. Xie, T.D. Ding, L.L. Zhang, J.Y. Li*. Bioaccumulation, internal distribution and toxicity of bisphenol S in the earthworm Eisenia fetida. Science of The Total Environment 2022, 161169.
7. T.D. Ding*, L.Y. Wei, Z.M. Hou, S.Q. Lin, J.Y. Li*. Biological responses of alga Euglena gracilis to triclosan and galaxolide and the regulation of humic acid. Chemosphere 2022, 307(1): 135667.
8. I. Ali. P. Wan, S. Raza, C.S. Peng, X. Tan, H.B. Sun, J.Y. Li*. Development of novel MOF-mixed matrix three-dimensional membrane capsules for eradicating potentially toxic metals from water and real electroplating wastewater. Environmental Research 2022, 215(2): 113945.
9. I. Ali#, X. Tan,* J.Y. Li#, C.S. Peng, I. Naz, Z.P. Duan, Y.L. Ruan. Interaction of microplastics and nanoplastics with natural organic matter (NOM) and the impact of NOM on the sorption behavior of anthropogenic contaminants – A critical review. Journal of Cleaner Production 2022, 376: 134314.
10. L.L. Zhang, Y.N. Cheng, Y.G. Qian, T.D. Ding, J.Y. Li*. Bisphenol S degradation in soil and the dynamics of microbial community associated with degradation. Science of The Total Environment 2022, 846: 157451.
11. L.L. Zhang, Y.N. Cheng, Y.G. Qian, T.D. Ding, J.Y. Li*. Phytotoxicity and accumulation of BPS to Pistia stratiotes under the influence of microplastics. Chemosphere 2022, 307(2): 135854
12. T.D. Ding, M. Cai, C.C. Wu, L.J. Bao, J.Y. Li*. Distribution profiles of bisphenols in school supplies and implications for human exposure. Science of The Total Environment 2022, 849: 157938.
13.J.Y. Li, X.T. Huang, Z.M. Hou, T.D. Ding. Sorption of diclofenac by polystyrene microplastics: Kinetics, isotherms and particle size effects. Chemosphere 2022, 290: 133311.14. I. Ali, T.D. Ding, C.S. Peng, I. Naz, H.B. Sun, J.Y. Li*, J.F. Liu*. Micro- and nanoplastics in wastewater treatment plants: Occurrence, removal, fate, impacts and remediation technologies – A critical review. Chemical Engineering Journal 2021, 423: 130205
15. I. Ali, Q.H. Cheng, T.D. Ding, Y.G. Qian, Y.C. Zhang, H.B. Sun, C.S. Peng, I. Naz, J.Y. Li*, J.F. Liu*. Micro- and nanoplastics in the environment: Occurrence, detection, characterization and toxicity – A critical review. Journal of Cleaner Production 2021, 313, 127863
16. X.Z. Gao, Y. Y. Lin, J.Y. Li*, Y.P. Xu, Z.F. Qian, W.J. Lin. Spatial pattern analysis reveals multiple sources of organophosphorus flame retardants in coastal waters. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2021, 125882
17. Y.G. Qian, W.J Pan, J.Y. Li*, K. Chen*, J. Yao. Highly enhanced dephosphorylation of phytic acid via pre-complexation of PA-Fe2+ in the Fenton system: High activity, wide pH range and ferryl-based mechanism. Chemical Engineering Journal 2021, 426: 13089
18. X.Z. Gao, Y. Y. Lin, J.Y. Li*, Y.P. Xu, Z.F. Qian, W.J. Lin. Accumulation and passive sampling of bisphenol analogues using triolein-embedded cellulose acetate membrane in waters. Science of The Total Environment 2021, 148985
19. H.J. Zhang#, T.D. Ding#, X. Luo, J.Y. Li*. Toxic effect of fluorene-9-bisphenol to green algae Chlorella vulgaris and its metabolic fate. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 2021, 216: 112158
20. J.Y. Li, W Li, X.T. Huang, T.D Ding. Comparative study on the toxicity and removal of bisphenol S in two typical freshwater algae. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2021, //doi.org/10.1007/s11356-021-13224-x
21. Y.G. Qian#, X.F. Jia#, T.D. Ding, M.T. Yang, B. Yang, J.Y. Li.* Occurrence and removal of bisphenol analogues in wastewater treatment plants and activated sludge bioreactor. Science of The Total Environment 2021, 758:143606
22. A, Imran, J.Y. Li.,* C.S Peng*, M. Qasim, Z.M. Khan, I. Naz*, M. Sultan, M. Rauf, W. Iqbal, H. M.A. Sharif. 3-Dimensional membrane capsules: Synthesis modulations for the remediation of environmental pollutants-A critical review, Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology 2020, DOI: 10.1080/10643389.2020.1849893
23. T.D. Ding, W. Li, M.T. Yang, B. Yang, J.Y. Li.* Toxicity and biotransformation of bisphenol S in freshwater green alga Chlorella vulgaris. Science of the Total Environment 2020, 747: 141144.
24. T. Huang, D.H. Liu, J.Y. Li.* Degradation of carbendazim in soil: effect of sewage sludge derived biochars. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2020, 68(12): 3703-3710
25. M. Li, T.D. Ding, H.Y. Wang, W. Wang, J.Y. Li,* Q.F. Ye. Phyto-transformation and metabolic pathways of 14C-carbamazepine in Carrot and Celery. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2020, 68(11): 3362-3371
26. M. Li, T.D. Ding, H.Y. Wang, W. Wang, Q.F. Ye, J.Y. Li.* Biosolids inhibit uptake and translocation of 14C-carbamazepine by edible vegetables in soil. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2020, 27(8): 8323-8333
27. T.D. Ding, W. Li, M. Cai, X.F. Jia, M.T. Yang, B. Yang, J.Y. Li*. Algal toxicity, accumulation and metabolic pathways of galaxolide. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2020, 384: 121360.
28. T.D. Ding, S.H. Wang, B. Yang, J.Y. Li*. Biological removal of pharmaceuticals by Navicula sp. and biotransformation of bezafibrate. Chemosphere 2020, 240: 124949.
29. T.D. Ding, W. Li, J.Y. Li*. Influence of multi-walled carbon nanotubes on the toxicity and removal of carbamazepine in diatom Navicula sp. Science of the Total Environment 2019, 697: 134104
30. Y.G. Qian, K. Chen, Y.Q. Liu, J.Y. Li*. Assessment of hexachlorcyclohexane biodegradation in contaminated soil by compound-specific stable isotope analysis. Environmental Pollution 2019, 254: 113008.
31. T.D. Ding,* W. Li, J.Y. Li *. Toxicity and metabolic fate of the fungicide carbendazim in the typical freshwater diatom Navicula sp. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2019, 67(24): 6683-6690
32. T.D. Ding, K.D. Lin, B. Yang, M.T. Yang, J.Y. Li.* Toxic effects and metabolic fate of carbamazepine in diatom Navicula sp. as influenced by humic acid and nitrogen species. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2019, 378: 120763
33. W.C. Huang, X.F. Jia, J.Y. Li, * M. Li. Dynamics of microbial community in the bioreactor for bisphenol S removal. Science of the Total Environment 2019, 662: 15-21.
34. M. Li, T.D. Ding, H.Y. Wang, W. Wang, J.Y. Li,* Q.F. Ye. Uptake and translocation of 14C-carbamazepine in soil-plant systems. Environmental Pollution 2018, 243: 1352-1359.
35. T.D. Ding, K.D. Lin, J. Chen, Q. Hu, B. Yang, J.Y. Li,* J. Gan. Causes and mechanisms on the toxicity of layered double hydroxide (LDH) to green algae Scenedesmus quadricauda. Science of the Total Environment 2018, 635: 1004-1011.
36. T.D. Ding, K.D. Lin, L.J. Bao, M.T. Yang, J.Y. Li,* B.Yang, J. Gan. Biouptake, toxicity and biotransformation of triclosan in diatom Cymbella sp. and the influence of humic acid. Environmental Pollution 2018, 234: 231-242.
37. T.D. Ding, K.D. Lin, M.T. Yang, L.J. Bao, J.Y. Li,* B.Yang, J. Gan. Biodegradation of triclosan in diatom Navicula sp.: Kinetics, transformation products, toxicity evaluation and the effects of pH and potassium permanganate. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2018, 344: 200-209.
38. T.D. Ding, K.D. Lin, B.Yang, M.T. Yang, J.Y. Li,* W.Y. Li, J. Gan. Biodegradation of Naproxen by freshwater algae Cymbella sp. and Scenedesmus quadricauda and the comparative toxicity. Bioresource Technology 2017, 238: 164-173.
39. T.D. Ding, M.T. Yang, J.M. Zhang, B.Yang, K.D. Lin, J.Y. Li,* J. Gan. Toxicity, degradation and metabolic fate of ibuprofen on freshwater diatom Navicula sp. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2017, 330: 127-134.
40. B. Yang*, J.B. Wang, C.J. Jiang, J.Y. Li,* G. Yu, S.B Deng, S.Y. Lu, P.X. Zhang, C.Z. Zhu, Q.F. Zhuo. Electrochemical mineralization of perfluorooctane sulfonate by novel F and Sb co-doped Ti/SnO2 electrode containing Sn-Sb interlayer. Chemical Engineering Journal 2017, 316: 296-304.
41. J.Y. Li, * T. Huang, L.Z. Li, T.D. Ding, H. Zhu, B. Yang, Q.F. Ye, J Gan. Influence of soil factors on the stereoselective fate of a novel chiral insecticide paichongding in paddy flooded soils. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2016, 64 (43): 8109-8117.
42. J.Y. Li, S.F. Zhang, C.C. Wu, C. Li, H.Y. Wang, W. Wang, Z. Li, Q.F. Ye. Stereoselective degradation and transformation products of a novel chiral insecticide paichongding in flooded paddy soil. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2016, 64 (40): 7423-7430.
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