1. 滕家曼,刘玉婷,朱国梁,谌庄琳,陈彦涛*. 两性离子多肽改善GLP-1生物活性的粗粒化分子模拟. 功能高分子学报. (2021,已接受)

2. Jiaman Teng, Yuting Liu, Zhuanglin Shen, Weizhong Lv, Yantao Chen*, Molecular simulation of zwitterionic polypeptides on protecting glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1). International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 174: 519–526 (2021)

3. Jieyu Guo, Yuting Liu, Junqi Zha, Honghua Han, Yantao Chen* and Zhongfan Jia. Enhancing the peroxidase-mimicking activity of hemin by covalent immobilization in polymer nanogels. Polymer Chemistry. 12(6): 858-866 (2021)

4. Yifan Zhang, Yilin Wan, Yantao Chen, Nicholas Thomas Blum, Jing Lin and Peng Huang*. Ultrasound-Enhanced Chemo-Photodynamic Combination Therapy by Using Albumin "Nanoglue"-Based Nanotheranostics. ACS Nano. 14(5): 5560-5569. (2020)
5. Shan Liu, Biyan Huang, Guiqin Zheng, Peng Zhang, Juying Li, Bo Yang, Yantao Chen*, Li Liang, Nanocapsulation of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) enhances enzymatic performance in removing phenolic compounds. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 150, 814–822. (2020)
6. Jun Luo#, Jiaojiao Yang#, Xiaoran Zheng, Xiang Ke, Yantao Chen, Hong Tan and Jianshu Li*. A Highly Stretchable, Real‐Time Self‐Healable Hydrogel Adhesive Matrix for Tissue Patches and Flexible Electronics. Adv. Healthcare Mater. 9(4). e1901423. (2020)
7. Zhenxuan Zhang, Qingyao Zhu, Cui Huang, Mengting Yang*, Juying Li, Yantao Chen, Bo Yang, Xu Zhao, Comparative cytotoxicity of halogenated aromatic DBPs and implications of the corresponding developed QSAR model to toxicity mechanisms of those DBPs: Binding interactions between aromatic DBPs and catalase play an important role. Water Res., 170: 115283. (2020)
8. 陈彦涛、郭洁钰、谢鹏、张望、查俊祺,一种微胶囊化氯化血红素及其制备方法与应用,中国发明专利,申请号:2020110551449,申请日期:2020.09.30
9. 陈彦涛、陈正鹏子、郑桂钦、龙玲,纳米凝胶酶及其制备和应用,中国发明专利,专利号:ZL 2017 1 0126897.6,授权日期:2020.05.20
10. Yantao Chen, Shan Xue, Qing Xia, Hongkun Li, Qiuming Liu, Bing Shi Li* and Ben Zhong Tang*. Surface Effect on The Self-assembly of Nanofibers Revealed by in situ AFM Imaging and Molecular Simulation. J. Phys. Chem. C. 123(14), 9292-9297. (2019、与深圳大学李冰石课题组合作)
11. Yanpeng Liu, Peng Yu, Xu Peng, Qin Huang, Mingming Ding, Yantao Chen, Ruitao Jin, Jing Xie, Changsheng Zhao, Jianshu Li*, Hexapeptide-conjugated calcitonin for targeted therapy of osteoporosis. J. Control. Release, 304, 39-50. (28 June 2019、与四川大学李建树课题组合作)
12. Zhenxuan Zhang, Mengting Yang,* Jiaying Yi, Qingyao Zhu, Cui Huang, Yantao Chen, Juying Li, Bo Yang and Xu Zhao. Comprehensive Insights into the Interactions of Two Emerging Bromophenolic DBPs with Human Serum Albumin by Multispectroscopy and Molecular Docking. ACS Omega, 4 (1), 563–572. (2019、与深圳大学杨梦婷课题组合作)
13. P. Zhang, E. J. Liu, C. Tsao, S. A. Kasten, M. V. Boeri, T. L. Dao, S. J. DeBus, C. L. Cadieux, C. A. Baker, T. C. Otto, D. M. Cerasoli, Y. Chen, P. Jain, F. Sun, W. Li, H. C. Hung, Z. Yuan, J. Ma, A. N. Bigley, F. M. Raushel and S. Jiang*, Nanoscavenger provides long-term prophylactic protection against nerve agents in rodents. Science Translational Medicine, 11, eaau7091. (2019、与华盛顿大学Shaoyi Jiang课题组合作)
14. Guiqin Zheng, Shan Liu, Junqi Zha, Peng Zhang, Xuewei Xu, Yantao Chen*, Shaoyi Jiang*. Protecting enzymatic activity via zwitterionic nanocapsulation for the removal of phenol compound from wastewater. Langmuir, 35 (5), 1858–1863. (2019、与华盛顿大学Shaoyi Jiang课题组合作)
15. Zhicheng Le, Yantao Chen, Honghua Han, Houkuan Tian, Zhiyu He, Pengfei Zhao, Chengbiao Yang, Lixin Liu, Kam W. Leong, Hai-Quan Mao, Zhijia Liu*, Yongming Chen*. Hydrogen-Bonded Tannic Acid-Based Anticancer Nanoparticle for Enhancement of Oral Chemotherapy. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.10, 42186−42197. (2018、与中山大学陈永明课题组合作)
16. Hui Shang, Anna Zhou, Jian Jiang, Yanpeng Liu, Jing Xie, Sheyu Li, Yantao Chen*, Xiaofeng Zhu*, Hong Tan and Jianshu Li*. Inhibition of the Fibrillation of Highly Amyloidogenic Human Calcitonin by Cucurbit[7]uril with Improved Bioactivity. Acta Biomaterialia, 78, 178–188. (2018、与四川大学李建树课题组合作)
17. Hao Cheng, Zheng Fang, Wusigale, Amr M. Bakry, Yantao Chen*, Li Liang*, Complexation of trans- and cis-resveratrol with bovine serum albumin, b-lactoglobulin or a-lactalbumin. Food Hydrocolloids, 81, 242-252. (2018、与江南大学梁丽课题组合作)
18. Anna Zhou, Jing Xie, Honghua Han, Yantao Chen*, Changsheng Zhao, Jianshu Li*, Supramolecular Nanoparticles of Insulin and Pentapeptide for Inhibition of Fibrillation and Controlled Release. Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology. 14, 959-967. (2018、与四川大学李建树课题组合作)
19. Yantao Chen*, Jun Wang, Jian Zhang, Wei Wang*, Binding modes of Bcl-2 homology 3 (BH3) peptides with anti-apoptotic protein A1 and redesign of peptide inhibitors: a computational study, Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics, 36: 3967-3977. (2018、与南京大学王炜课题组合作)
20. Yi Wu, Hao Cheng, Yantao Chen*, Lingyun Chen, Zheng Fang, Li Liang*, Formation of a Multiligand Complex of Bovine Serum Albumin with Retinol, Resveratrol, and (-)-Epigallocatechin-3-gallate for the Protection of Bioactive Components. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 65 (14), 3019–3030. (2017、与江南大学梁丽课题组合作)
21. Weigang Wang, Hui Shang, Yantao Chen*, Mingchang Lin, Guosong Chen, Sheyu Li and Jianshu Li*, Supramolecular assembly between Cp1-11 peptide and insulin for rapid-acting formulation. Journal of Bioresources and Bioproducts. 2(3), 132-141. (2017、与四川大学李建树课题组合作)
22. Amr M. Bakry, Zheng Fang, Muhammad Aslam Khan, Yantao Chen, Yong Q. Chen, Li Liang*, Tuna oil and Mentha piperita oil emulsions and microcapsules stabilized by whey protein isolate and inulin: characterization and stability, International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 52: 494-503 (2017)
23. Bang Chen, Hongjia Zhang, Wenying Xi, Liqing Zhao*, Li Liang*, Yantao Chen*, Unfolding mechanism of lysozyme in various urea solutions: Insights from fluorescence spectroscopy, Journal of Molecular Structure, 1076: 524-528 (2014、与江南大学梁丽课题组合作)
24. Yantao Chen* and Jiandong Ding*. Construction of an intermediate-resolution lattice model and re-examination of the helix-coil transition: a dynamic Monte Carlo simulation, Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics, 32(5): 792–803 (2014、与复旦大学丁建东课题组合作)
25. Yantao Chen and Jeff Zhengyu Chen*. Absorption and Engulfing Transitions in Nanoparticle Infiltration into a Polymer Brush: A Monte Carlo Simulation, Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics, 50: 21–26 (2012、与加拿大滑铁卢大学陈征宇课题组合作)
26. Gang He, Juying Shi, Yantao Chen, Yi Chen, Qianling Zhang, Mingliang Wang, Jianhong Liu. Rank-Ordering The Binding Affinity For Fkbp12 And H1n1 Neuraminidase Inhibitors In The Combination Of A Protein Model With Density Functional Theory, Journal of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, 10(4):541-565 (2011)
27. Yantao Chen and Jiandong Ding*. Roles of non-native hydrogen-bonding interaction in helix-coil transition of a single polypeptide as revealed by comparison between Gō-like and non-Gō models, Proteins. 78: 2090-2100 (2010)
28. Yantao Chen*, Mingliang Wang, Qianling Zhang, and Jianhong Liu. Construction of an implicit membrane environment for the lattice Monte Carlo simulation of transmembrane protein, Biophys. Chem. 147:35-41 (2010)
29. 陈彦涛*,丁建东. 非天然相互作用对均聚多肽链螺旋形成动力学过程的影响的计算机模拟研究. 高分子学报,7:989-994 (2010)
30. 陈彦涛*,刘剑洪. 隐式生物膜模型及E蛋白折叠模拟. 深圳大学学报,27:60-64 (2010)
31. 陈彦涛*,丁建东, 高分子链坍塌转变动力学过程的动态蒙特卡罗模拟, 高分子学报,12: 1238-1244. (2009)
32. Yantao Chen, Yaoqi Zhou, and Jiandong Ding*, The helix-coil transition revisited, Proteins 69: 58-68. (2007)
33. Yantao Chen, Qi Zhang, and Jiandong Ding*, A coarse-grained model for the formation of a-helix with a non-integer period on simple cubic lattices, J. Chem. Phys. 124: 184903. (2006)
34. Yantao Chen, Qi Zhang, and Jiandong Ding*, A coarse-grained model and associated lattice Monte Carlo simulation of the coil-helix transition of a homopolypeptide, J. Chem. Phys. 120: 3467-3474. (2004)
35. 陈彦涛, 罗钟琳, 丁建东*, SARS病毒E蛋白的计算机模拟的初步研究, 高等学校化学学报120: 3467-3474. (2003)