1.Yantao Chen*, Jun Wang, Jian Zhang, Wei Wang*, Binding modes of BH3 peptides with tumor-associated protein A1 and biomimetic redesign of peptide inhibitors based on computational simulations. Scientific Reports, in revision. (2017)
2.Yi Wu, Hao Cheng,Yantao Chen*,Lingyun Chen, Zheng Fang, Li Liang*, A study of multi-ligand bovine serum albumin complexes: Formation and stability. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, in revision. (2017)
3.Weigang Wang, Hui Shang,Yantao Chen*,Mingchang Lin, Guosong Chen, Sheyu Li and Jianshu Li*, Supramolecular interaction between Cp1-11 peptide and insulin for rapid-acting formulation.Biomaterials Science, in revision. (2017)
4.Hui Shang, Jian Jiang, Yanpeng Liu, Sheyu Li,Yantao Chen*, Xiaofeng Zhu*, and Jianshu Li*, Inhibition the Fibrillation of Highly Amyloidogenic Human Calcitonin by Cucurbit[7]uril with Improved Bioactivity, submitted (2017)
7.Amr M. Bakry, Zheng Fang, Muhammad Aslam Khan,Yantao Chen, Yong Q. Chen, Li Liang1*, Tuna oil and Mentha piperita oil emulsions and microcapsules stabilized by whey protein isolate and inulin: characterization and stability, International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 52: 494–503 (2017)
8.Bang Chen, Hongjia Zhang, Wenying Xi, Liqing Zhao, Li Liang,Yantao Chen*,Unfolding mechanism of lysozyme in various urea solutions: Insights from fluorescence spectroscopy, Journal of Molecular Structure, 1076: 524-528 (2014)
9.Yantao Chen*and Jiandong Ding. An intermediate-resolution lattice model and associated dynamic Monte Carlo simulation of alpha-helix formation, Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics , 32(5): 792–803 (2014)
10.Yantao Chenand Jeff Zhengyu Chen*. Absorption and Engulfing Transitions in Nanoparticle Infiltration into a Polymer Brush: A Monte Carlo Simulation, Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics, 50: 21–26 (2012)
11.Gang He, Juying Shi,Yantao Chen, Yi Chen, Qianling Zhang, Mingliang Wang, Jianhong Liu. Rank-Ordering The Binding Affinity For Fkbp12 And H1n1 Neuraminidase Inhibitors In The Combination Of A Protein Model With Density Functional Theory, Journal of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry,10(4):541-565 (2011)
12.Yantao Chenand Jiandong Ding*. Roles of non-native hydrogen-bonding interaction in helix-coil transition of a single polypeptide as revealed by comparison between Gō-like and non-Gō models, Proteins. 78: 2090-2100 (2010)
13.Yantao Chen*, Mingliang Wang, Qianling Zhang, and Jianhong Liu. Construction of an implicit membrane environment for the lattice Monte Carlo simulation of transmembrane protein, Biophys. Chem. 147:35-41 (2010)
14.陈彦涛*,丁建东. 非天然相互作用对均聚多肽链螺旋形成动力学过程的影响的计算机模拟研究. 高分子学报,7:989-994 (2010)
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