

作者: 发布时间: 2018-05-30 浏览次数: [ ]


一、简历( Biography


刘长坤,男,博士,副教授,硕士研究生导师,环境工程系副主任,深圳大学“荔园优秀青年教师”。2003年毕业于天津大学高分子材料与工程专业,获学士学位;2008年毕业于新加坡国立大学,获博士学位,并在2008-2010年期间在新加坡国立大学进行博士后研究工作。2010年开始在最佳赌博网站排行榜 工作。主要在环境领域从事吸附材料、膜材料等水处理材料的制备与应用、材料表面改性及功能化、水污染控制技术及机理等方面的研究。主持国家自然科学基金2项、广东省自然科学基金1项,深圳市科技研发及创新创业专项资金项目4项。在Journal of Membrane Science, Water Research, Chemical Engineering Journal, Desalination, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, RSC Advances, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering, Langmuir, Biofouling等国际著名期刊上发表论文20余篇,其中第一作者文章被引频次已达340余次。

Dr. Changkun Liuis the Associate Professor in Shenzhen University, where he serves as the Associate Department Head in the Department of Environmental Engineering. Dr. Liu received his bachelor degree in Polymer Materials and Engineering from Tianjin University, and his Ph.D degree in Environmental Engineering from National University of Singapore. His research interest is focused on the functionalized adsorbents, membrane separation, surface functionalization, and water pollution control. He is the principal investigator of two National Natural Science Foundations of China (NSFC), one Natural Science Foundations of Guangdong Province (NSF of Guangdong), and three R&D Foundations of Shenzhen City. He is the first or the corresponding author for more than 20 peer-reviewed journal articles, published in Journal of Membrane Science, Water Research, Chemical Engineering Journal, Desalination, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, etc., with more than 340 citations. Currently there are 7 graduate students and 3 post-doctors in his Research Group of Adsorption and Membrane Separation.



Research Interest):吸附与膜分离






Dr. Changkun Liu's Research Interest:

Adsorption and Membrane Separation

1) Development of novel adsorption technology and functional adsorbents

2) Control and removal of heavy metal ions, disinfection by-products (DBP), etc.

3) Development and application of functional membranes (UF, FO, etc) in water and wastewater treatment

4) Surface modification technologies (i.e., polymer brush grafting) for functional adsorbents and membranes



科研项目(Research Projects



广东省自然科学基金博士启动项目(NSF of Guangdong),2012-2014,项目负责人(PI)

深圳市科技研发资金自由探索项目(R&D Foundation of Shenzhen),2018-2020,项目负责人(PI)

深圳市科技研发资金自由探索项目(R&D Foundation of Shenzhen),2016-2018,项目负责人(PI)

深圳市海外高层次人才创新创业项目(R&D Foundation of Shenzhen),2014-2016,项目负责人(PI)

深圳市科技研发资金基础研究项目(R&D Foundation of Shenzhen),2014-2016,项目负责人(PI)

深圳大学科研启动项目(R&D Foundation of SZU),2011-2013,项目负责人(PI)

深圳大学教学改革研究项目(R&D Foundation of SZU),2015-2016,项目负责人(PI)



专职研究人员(Research Fellow):赵新振(中国博士后科学基金面上资助)


Post-doctors):伏振宇(中国博士后科学基金面上资助,深圳大学优秀博士后入站奖励计划);赵丽华;Ibrahim Mohamed;Hilal Ahmad

研究生(Graduate students):梁晓燕(国家奖学金获得者,深圳大学优秀研究生奖),雷晓斌(国家奖学金获得者,深圳大学优秀研究生奖),贾继珍(深圳大学优秀研究生奖),王琳,蔡超杰,马馥清,黄泽南













[1] Zhao X.,Liu C.* Efficient removal of heavy metal ions based on the optimized dissolution-diffusion-flow forward osmosis process, Chemical Engineering Journal,2018, 334, 1128-1134.

[2]Liu C., Lei X., Wang L., Jia J., Liang X., Zhao X., Zhu H. Investigation on the removal performances of heavy metal ions with the layer-by-layer assembled forward osmosis membranes, Chemical Engineering Journal,2017, 327, 60-70.

[3] Fu Z., Jia J., Li J.,Liu C.* Transforming waste expanded polystyrene foam into hyper-crosslinked polymers for carbon dioxide capture and separation, Chemical Engineering Journal,2017, 323, 557-564.

[4] Zhao X., Li J.,Liu C.* A novel TFC-type FO membrane with inserted sublayer of carbon nanotube networks exhibiting the improved separation performance. Desalination,2017, 413, 176-183.

[5] Zhao X.,Liu C.* Inhibiting the concentration polarization of FO membranes based on the wettable microporous supporting layer and the enhanced dense skin layer. Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2017, 134, 45133.

[6] Zhao X., Li J.,Liu C.* Improving the separation performance of the forward osmosis membrane based on the etched microstructure of the supporting layer. Desalination,2017, 408, 102-109.

[7]Liu C., Lei X., Liang X., Jia J., Wang L. Visible sequestration of Cu2+ ions using amino-functionalized cotton fiber. RSC Advances,2017, 7, 9744-9753.

[8]Liu C., Jia J., Liu J., Liang X. Hg selective adsorption on polypropylene-based hollow fiber grafted with polyacrylamide. Adsorption Science and Technology,2017, Accepted.

[9]Liu C., Liang X., Liu J., Lei X., Zhao X. Preparation of the porphyrin-functionalized cotton fiber for the chromogenic detection and efficient adsorption of Cd2+ ions. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,2017, 488, 294-302.

[10] Zhao X.,Liu C.* Enhancing the permeation and fouling resistance of PVDF microfiltration membrane by constructing an auto-soak surface. RSC Advances,2016, 6, 113267-113274.

[11] Zhao X.,Liu C.* Irreversible fouling control of PVDF ultrafiltration membrane with "fouled surface" for mimetic sewage treatment. RSC Advances,2016, 6, 94184-94192.

[12] Zhao X.,Liu C.* One-step fabricated bionic PVDF ultrafiltration membranes exhibiting innovative antifouling ability to the cake fouling. Journal of Membrane Science,2016, 515, 29-35.

[13]Liu C., Liang X., Liu J., Liu Y., Luo J., Zhu H. Efficient removal of Cd(II) ions from aqueous solutions via visible capturing. RSC Advances,2016, 6, 38430-38436.

[14]Liu C., Liang X., Liu J., Yuan W. Desorption of copper ions from the polyamine-functionalized adsorbents: Behaviors and mechanisms. Adsorption Science and Technology,2016, 34, 455-468.

[15]Liu C., Luo X., Wang F., Luo Z., Zhao X. Copper ion adsorption behaviors in a fixed-bed column filled by triethylenetetramine functionalized microspheres. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering,2016, 45, 180-183.

[16]Liu C., Wu Y., Zhao L., Huang X. Preparation of acetylsalicylic acid-acylated chitosan as a novel polymeric drug for drug controlled release. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules,2015, 78, 189-194.

[17]Liu C., Bai R. Recent advances in chitosan and its derivatives as adsorbents for removal of pollutants from water and wastewater. Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering,2014, 4, 62-70.

[18] Yuan W.*, Wu Q.,Liu C.*, Luo Z., Li Z. Effect of Phase Purity on Dielectric Properties of CaCu3+xTi4O12 Ceramics. Solid State Sciences,2013, 24: 58-61.

[19]Liu C., Bai R. Extended study of DETA-functionalized PGMA adsorbent in the selective adsorption behaviors and mechanisms for heavy metal ions of Cu, Co, Ni, Zn and Cd. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,2010, 350 (1): 282-289.

[20]Liu C., Bai R., Hong L., Liu T. Functionalization of adsorbent with different aliphatic polyamines for heavy metal ion removal: Characteristics and performance. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,2010, 345 (2): 454-460.

[21]Liu C., Bai R., Ly Q. Selective removal of copper and lead ions by diethylenetriamine-functionalized adsorbent: Behaviors and mechanisms. Water Research,2008, 42 (6-7): 1511-1522.

[22]Liu C., Bai R., Hong L. Diethylenetriamine-grafted poly(glycidyl methacrylate) adsorbent for effective copper ion adsorption. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,2006, 303 (1): 99-108.

[23] Wan W.,Liu C., Sun H., Luo Z., Yuan W., Wu H., Qiu Tai. Low-toxic gelcasting of giant dielectric-constant CaCu3Ti4O12 ceramics from the molten salt powder. Journal of the European Ceramic Society,2015, 35 (13): 3529.

[24] Yuan S.,Liu C., Pehkonen S.O., Bai R., Neoh K.G., Ting Y.P., Kang E.-T. Surface functionalization of Cu-Ni alloys via grafting of a bactericidal polymer for inhibiting biocorrosion by Desulfovibrio desulfuricans in anaerobic seawater. Biofouling,2009, 25 (2): 109.

[25] Li N., Bai R.,Liu C.Enhanced and selective adsorption of mercury ions on chitosan beads grafted with polyacrylamide via surface-initiated atom transfer radical polymerization. Langmuir,2005, 21 (25): 11780.

[26] Zhu X., Bai R., Wee K.-H.,Liu C., Tang S.-L. Membrane surfaces immobilized with ionic or reduced silver and their anti-biofouling performances. Journal of Membrane Science,2010, 363 (1-2): 278.



五、课题组参加的主要学术会议(Conferences Attended












七、(Research Positions Available)本课题组目前正在招收水污染控制、吸附技术及材料、膜技术及材料、材料表面改性等方向的研究生及博士后,感兴趣的申请人请发送个人简历到[email protected]

Research Positions Available

Currently there are severalPost-doc positionsavailable for application in our research group, especially for PhDs with a strong academic background in chemistry, environmental science and engineering, and materials science and engineering. The candidates with the specific research background in the field of adsorption and membrane separation would be given the priority. If you are interested in our research field, you are welcome to contact Dr. Liu via Email:[email protected] your CV and publication list attached.Graduate studentsare also warmly welcome to join our research groups, and to explore the scientific world of Adsorption and Membrane Separation.




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