李菊英,女,博士,环境工程系硕士研究生导师, 特聘副研究员,深圳大学“荔园优秀青年教师”。2014年毕业于浙江大学农业与生物技术学院,获理学博士学位。2011-2013年在美国加州大学河滨分校环境科学系进行科学研究。现主要从事环境污染物痕量分析、环境行为、生态风险评价及修复等研究工作。目前,在Environmental Sciences & Technology,Water Research,Environmental Pollution,Journal of Hazardous Materials,Science of The Total Environment,Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,Chirality等国内外学术期刊上累计发表论文20余篇;参与合作编著1篇,获国家发明专利授权1项。在国际学术会议报告6次,现为国际知名环境学期刊Science of The Total Environment编委,Environmental Sciences & Technology、Environmental Pollution、Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 和Science of The Total Environment等学术期刊审稿人。
深圳市海外高层次人才 (孔雀计划B类)
第246届美国化学学会农用化学品学部教育奖(The 246th ACS national meeting AGRO Education Award)
美国南加州华人环保协会 (SCCAEPA) 2013年最佳学生科研奖(Best Student Research Award )
1. T.D. Ding, M.T. Yang, J.M. Zhang, B.Yang, K.D. Lin, J.Y. Li,* J. Gan. Toxicity, degradation and metabolic fate of ibuprofen on freshwater diatom Navicula sp. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2017, 330: 127-134.
2. B. Yang,* J.B. Wang, C.J. Jiang, J.Y. Li,* G. Yu, S.B Deng, S.Y. Lu, P.X. Zhang, C.Z. Zhu, Q.F. Zhuo. Electrochemical mineralization of perfluorooctane sulfonate by novel F and Sb co-doped Ti/SnO2 electrode containing Sn-Sb interlayer. Chemical Engineering Journal 2017, 316: 296-304.
3. J.Y. Li, * T. Huang, L.Z. Li, T.D. Ding, H. Zhu, B. Yang, Q.F. Ye, J Gan. Influence of soil factors on the stereoselective fate of a novel chiral insecticide paichongding in paddy flooded soils. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2016, 64 (43): 8109-8117.
4. J.Y. Li, S.F. Zhang, C.C. Wu, C. Li, H.Y. Wang, W. Wang, Z. Li, Q.F. Ye. Stereoselective degradation and transformation products of a novel chiral insecticide paichongding in flooded paddy soil. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2016, 64 (40): 7423-7430.
5. Z.Y. Zhang, J.Y. Li,* Z. Mamat, Q.F. Ye. Sources identification and pollution evaluation of heavy metals in the surface sediments of Bortala River, Northwest China. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 2016, 126: 94-101.
6. W.Y. Jiang. J.L.. Conkle, Y.Z. Luo, J.Y. Li, K.R. Xu, J. GanOccurrence, distribution and accumulation of pesticides in exterior residential areas. Environmental Sciences & Technology 2016, 50(23): 12592-12601.
7. J.Y. Li,* Q.F. Ye, J. Gan. Influence of organic amendment on fate of acetaminophen and sulfamethoxazole in soil. Environmental Pollution 2015, 206: 543-550.
8. B.L. Liu, H. Zhang, D. Yao, J.Y. Li, L.W. Xie, X.X. Wang, Y.P. Wang, G.Q. Liu, B. Yang. Perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) in the atmosphere of Shenzhen, China: Spatial distribution, sources and health risk assessment. Chemosphere 2015, 138: 511-518.
9. B.L. Liu, H. Zhang, L.W. Xie, J.Y. Li, X.X. Wang, L. Zhao, Y.P. Wang, B. Yang. Spatial distribution and partition of perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) in rivers of the Pearl River Delta, southern China. Science of The Total Environment 2015, 524-525: 1-7。
10. W.Y. Jiang, Y.Z. Luo, J.L. Conkle, J.Y. Li, J. Gan. Pesticides on Residential Outdoor Surfaces: Environmental Impacts and Aquatic Toxicity. Pest Management Science 2015, DOI: 10.1002/ps.4168.
11. J.Y. Li, L. Dodgen, Q.F. Ye, J. Gan. Degradation and transformation products of acetaminophen in soil. Water Research 2014, 49: 44-52.
12. L.K. Dodgen, J.Y. Li, X.Q. Wu, Z.J. Lu, J. Gan. Transformation and removal pathways of four common PPCP/EDCs in soil. Environmental Pollution 2014, 193: 29-36.
13. J.Y. Li, L. Dodgen, Q.F. Ye, J. Gan. Degradation kinetics and metabolites of carbamazepine in soil. Environmental Sciences & Technology 2013, 47: 3678-3684.
14. J.Y. Li, J.B. Zhang, C. Li, Z. Yang, H.Y. Wang, J. Gan, Q.F. Ye, X.Y. Xu, Z. Li. Stereoisomeric isolation and stereoselective fate of insecticide paichongding in flooded paddy soils. Environmental Science & Technology 2013, 47: 12768-12774.
15. L.K. Dodgen, J.Y. Li, D. Parker, J. Gan. Uptake and accumulation of four PPCP/EDCs in two leafy vegetables. Environmental Pollution 2013, 182:150-156.
16. H.Y. Wang, Z. Yang, R.Y. Liu, Q.G. Fu, S.F. Zhang, Z.Q. Cai, J.Y. Li, X.J. Zhao, Q.F. Ye, W. Wang, Z. Li. Stereoselective uptake and distribution of the chiral neonicotinoid insecticide, paichongding, in Chinese Pak Choi (Brassica campestris ssp. Chinenesis). Journal of Hazardous Materials 2013, 262: 862-869.
17. Q.G. Fu, Y.C. Wang, J.B. Zhang, H.X. Zhang, C. Bai, J.Y. Li, W. Wang, H.Y. Wang, Q.F. Ye, Z. Li. Soil microbial effects on the stereoselective mineralization, extractable residue, bound residue, and metabolism of a novel chiral cis neonicotinoid, paichongding. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2013, 61: 7689-7695.
18. J.B. Zhang, Q.G. Fu, H.Y. Wang, J.Y. Li, W. Wang, Z. Yang, S.F. Zhang, Q.F. Ye, C. Li, Z. Li. Enantioselective uptake and translocation of a novel chiral neonicotinoid insecticide cycloxaprid in Youdonger (Brassica campestris subsp. Chinensis). Chirality 2013, 25(11): 686-691.
19. C. Li, X.Y. Xu, J.Y. Li, Q.F. Ye, Z. Li. Synthesis and chiral purification of 14C-labeled novel neonicotinoids, paichongding. Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals 2011, 54: 775-779.
20. C. Li, X.Y. Xu, J.Y. Li, Q.F. Ye, Z. Li. Radiosynthesis of tritium-labeled novel nitromethylene neonicotinoids compounds with NaB3H4. Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals 2011, 54: 256-259.
21. H.Y. Wang, Z.Y. Yu, L. Yue, A.L. Han, Y.F. Zhang, J.Y. Li, Q.F. Ye, Z.M. Yang, L. Lu. Transformation of 14C-pyrimidynyloxybenzoic herbicide ZJ0273 in aerobic soils. Science of the Total Environment 2010, 408: 2239-3684.
22. 张兆永, 李菊英,祖皮艳木·买买提, 叶庆富. 艾比湖流域小尺度农田土壤养分的空间分布和盐渍化风险评价. 生态学报2017, 37 (3): 1-10.
23. 张兆永, 吉力力·阿不都外力, 姜逢清, 李菊英*.天山山地河流水体中微量重金属的分布特征及形态分析. 环境科学学报 2015, 35(11): 3612-3619.
24. 张燕飞, 岳龙, 张素芬, 沈佳君, 付秋果, 李菊英, 汪海燕, 叶庆富. Bt水稻杀虫蛋白时空变化及秸秆还田后在土壤中的持留规律. 核农学报 2011, 25(4), 779-784.
25. 李菊英, 韩爱良, 汪海燕, 王伟, 叶庆富. 放射性农药标记化合物的合成研究进展. 核农学报 2010, 24(2), 415-421
26. 李政, 韩爱良, 张燕飞,李菊英, 王月, 汪海燕, 叶庆富, 吕龙. [C环-U-14C] 丙酯草醚在油菜和水稻中的吸收、运转及分布. 核农学报 2009, 23(4), 676-680.
叶庆富,李菊英,汪海燕. 一种除磷抑藻剂及其应用,国家发明专利,ZL 2010 1 0188473.0.
叶庆富,李菊英,张素芬. 一种土壤中化学物质降解示踪专用装置及示踪方法,国家发明专利,CN201410653228.0.
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