

作者: 发布时间: 2018-05-22 浏览次数: [ ]




吕玉娟,女,博士,教授,硕士生导师,研究方向为环境化学和分析化学。1998年7月毕业于中国科学院长春应用化学研究所,获理学硕士学位。2001年6月,毕业于中山大学化学化工学院,获理学博士学位。2001年7月至今,深圳大学化学与化工学院任教,讲授了《无机化学》、《分析化学》、《环境生态学》、《人体解剖生理学》、《环境化学》、《海洋环境保护》等本科生和研究生课程。主要在环境化学、电分析、环境分析化学等领域开展工作。主要研究领域为建立先进的环境分析方法;研究水体中有机物的存在、归趋及降解机理。主持一项省自然科学基金,一项深圳市科技计划重点项目,两项市科技计划项目,作为主要研究人员参与多项国家、省部级以上课题,先后在国内外重要期刊Talanta, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, Fresenius’ Journal of Analytical Chemistry, Separation Science and Technology, Journal of Colloid Interface Surface等发表学术论文三十余篇,其中有二十余篇被SCI收录。

1.“深圳市大沙河典型抗生素药物的环境行为、归趋及降解研究”, 深圳市科技计划重点项目 (批准号:JC****05250054A), 2011.3-2013.12,主持人
深圳市科技计划项目(批准号: JC****03120143A),2009.7-2011.12,主持人
4. “溶剂气浮分离法及其去除废水中有机污染物的研究”,
深圳市科技计划项目(批准号: 200502),2006.1-2008.12,主持人
5. “溶剂气浮分离法及其去除污水中腐殖酸的研究”,
6.“高效肿瘤靶向的含钆配合物纳米照影剂的制备和MRI研究”, 广东省自然科学(批准号:945180****002961),2010.1-2011.12,第二项目参加人
7. “利用微波技术合成功能性杂环化合物”,广东省自然科学基金项目, 批准号:031792, 2004-2005, 5 万元, 主要参加者
8.“用于糖尿病早期诊断的生物传感器的研制”,广东省“千百十工程”优秀人才培养基金项目,2002-2004年, 3万元,主要参加者


1. 徐鹏,吕玉娟,离子液体溶剂气浮去除水中的苯胺 [J].应用化学, 2011,28: 316-318.
2. 朱琳青,吕玉娟,离子液体溶剂气浮去除水中的曙红Y [J].应用化学, 2011,28: 319-321.
3. Kou J P, Lu YJ , Luo X Y, Li J Z, Michael addition of amines to activated alkenes promoted by Zn/NH4Cl system. Chemical Research in Chinese Universities, 2009, 25(4): 461-464. (SCI)
4. 吕玉娟,孙宏元,刘剑洪,粱爵,双硫腙为螯合剂溶剂气浮法去除水中铅研究.深圳大学学报,2008,25(3): 320-323. (EI)
5. Yujuan Lu, Bo Wei,Wang Ye, Li Jizhen, Studies on the removal of Bromocresol green from water by solvent sublation. Separation Science and Technology, 2007, 42(8): 1901-1911. (SCI, IF: 1.17)
6. Yujuan Lu,  Weiliang Hong, Yuan Gao, Xueli Zhang, Jizhen Li, The thermodynamics and kinetics on the solvent sublation of Ni. Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics, 2006, 19 (2): 159-163.
7. Yujuan Lu, Jianhong Liu, Xueli Zhang, et al., Studies on the mechanism of Indigo Carmine removal by solvent sublation, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2005, 292 (1): 210-218. (SCI, IF: 3.019)
8. Yujuan Lu, Bo Wei, Jianhong Liu, Jie Tang, The removal of Indigo Carmine from water by solvent sublation. Separation Science and Technology, 2005,40(5): 1115-1127. (SCI, IF: 1.17)
9. Yujuan Lu, Jianhong Liu, Jie Tang, Bo Wei, Xueli Zhang, The removal of humic acids from water by solvent sublation. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2005, 283:278-284. (SCI, IF: 3.019)
10. Yujuan Lu, Jianhong Liu, Ya Xiong, Xihai Zhu,Study of a mathematical model of metal ion complexes in solvent sublation. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2003, 263: 261-269. (SCI, IF: 3.019)
11. Yujuan Lu, Xihai Zhu,Yufan Peng, The removal of methyl violet from water by solvent sublation. Separation Science and Technology, 2003,38(6):1385-1398. (SCI, IF: 1.17)
12. Yujuan Lu, Xihai Zhu,A mathematical model and mechanism of sublation of some surfactants. Talanta, 2002, 57(5): 891-898. (SCI, IF: 3.29)
13. Yujuan Lu, Xihai Zhu,A mathematical model and mechanism of sublation of dye-surfactant ion complexes. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2002, 374(5): 906-914. (SCI, IF: 3.48)
14. Yujuan Lu, Xihai Zhu, Solvent sublation, theory and application. Separation and Purification Methods, 2001, 13 (2): 157–189. (SCI, IF: 6.667)
15. Yujuan Lu, Yuesong Wang, Ya Xiong, Xihai Zhu, Study on the kinetics and thermodynamics of surfactants in solvent sublation. Fresenius’ Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2001, 370 (8):1071-1076. (SCI, IF: 3.48)
16. Yujuan Lu, Xihai Zhu, Removal of Bromophenol Blue from water by solvent sublation. Separation Science and Technology, 2001, 36(16): 3763–3776. (SCI, IF: 1.17)
17. 吕玉娟, 朱锡海, 溶剂气浮分离技术研究的现状与方向. 化学进展, 2001, 13(6): 741-746. (SCI)
18. 吕玉娟, 朱锡海, 十六烷基氯化吡啶溶剂气浮的热力学及动力学研究, 化学物理学报, 20 (6), 2000, 741-746 。
19. Zhu Yongchun, Yujuan Lu, Cheng Guangjin, Dong Shaojun, Decomposition of circular dichrosim of norepinephrine by singular value decomposition-least square method, Acta Chimica Sinica, 2000, Vol 58 (4), 427-431. (SCI)
20. Yujuan Lu, Zhu Yongchun, Cheng Guangjin, Dong Shaojun, In-situ circular dichrosim spectroelectrochemical study on the redox process of norepinephrine, Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica, 1999, 15 (10), 900-904. (SCI)
21. Zhu Yongchun, Yujuan Lu, Cheng Guangjin, Dong Shaojun, A double logarithmic method for studying the adsorption effects in an irreversible electrochemical process, Journal of  Electrochemistry Society, 1999,146 (8), 2954-2958. (SCI)
22. Yujuan Lu, Zhu Yongchun, Cheng Guangjin, Dong Shaojun, Study of electrochemical behavior of ergosterol by in situ thin layer circular dichroic spectroelectrochemistry, Electroanalysis, 1999,11 (9), 601-605. (SCI)
23. Yujuan Lu, Zhu Yongchun, Cheng Guangjin, Dong Shaojun, Investigation of the self-accerlerating process of ascobic acid by in-situ circular dichroic spectroelectrochemistry, Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 1999,27 (2), 153-157. (SCI)  

24. Yujuan Lu, Zhu Yongchun, Cheng Guangjin, Dong Shaojun, Investigation of ergosterol by in-situ circular dichroic spectroelectrochemistry, Chinese Chemical Letter, Vol 9 (1), 103-106, 1998. (SCI)  


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