李倍助理教授团队在期刊《Applied Energy》(影响因子9.746,中科院JCR 1区,TOP期刊)上发表了题为《Probabilistic sizing of a low-carbon emission power system considering HVDC transmission and microgrid clusters》的研究论文。该团队李倍助理教授为第一作者。深圳大学为第一单位和第一通信单位,该团队所在的新能源科学工程学科属于广东省优势学科。



1. Li Bei*, Jiangchen Li. Probabilistic sizing of a low-carbon emission power system considering HVDC transmission and microgrid clusters. Applied Energy, Volume 304, 2021, 117760.
2. Li Bei* and R. Roche, "Sizing a 100% renewable energy based power supply system based on multi-objective optimization," 2021 IEEE Madrid PowerTech, Madrid, Spain, 2021, pp. 1-6.
3. Li Bei*, and Robin Roche. "Real-time dispatching performance improvement of multiple multi-energy supply microgrids using neural network based approximate dynamic programming." Frontiers in Electronics 2 (2021): 1.
4. Li Bei*, Hongzhi Miao, Jiangchen Li. Multiple hydrogen-based hybrid storage systems operation for microgrids: A combined TOPSIS and model predictive control methodology, Applied Energy, 2020, 116303.
5. Li Bei*, Robin Roche. Optimal scheduling of multiple multi-energy supply microgrids considering future prediction impacts based on model predictive control, Energy, Volume 197, 2020, 117180.
6. Li Bei*, Jiangchen Li. A three-stage intelligent coordinated operation for grouped hydrogen-based hybrid storage systems considering the degradation and the future impacts based on multi-criteria decision making, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2020.
7. Li Bei*. "Multiple hybrid storage systems operation with combined fuzzy logic and model predictive control considering two-dimension modeling," 2020 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), Montreal, QC, 2020, pp. 1-5.
8. Li Bei*, Robin Roche, Damien Paire, and Abdellatif Miraoui. “A price decision approach for multiple multi-energy-supply microgrids considering demand response”. Energy 167 (2019): 117 -135.
9. Li Bei*, Robin Roche, Damien Paire, and Abdellatif Miraoui. “Optimal sizing of distributed generation in gas/electricity/heat supply networks." Energy 151 (2018): 675-688.
10. Li Bei*, Robin Roche, Damien Paire, and Abdellatif Miraoui. “Coordinated scheduling of a gas/electricity/heat supply network considering temporal-spatial electric vehicle demands.” Electric power systems research 163 (2018): 382-39.
11. Li Bei*, Robin Roche, and Abdellatif Miraoui. “Microgrid sizing with combined evolutionary algorithm and MILP unit commitment." Applied energy 188 (2017): 547-562.
12. Li Bei*, Robin Roche, Damien Paire, and Abdellatif Miraoui. “Sizing of a stand-alone microgrid considering electric power, cooling/heating,hydrogen loads and hydrogen storage degradation." Applied Energy 205 (2017): 1244-1259.