
学术讲座(五十三):Rechargeable & Aqueous Zinc-Ion Batteries and Supercapacitors

作者: 发布时间: 2024-07-11 浏览次数: [ ]







王晓磊教授课题组主要从事先进能源材料的设计、制备及其在电化学能源转化于存储领域的应用研究;研究兴趣集中在探索、理解材料的电化学和电催化过程的机理、及其与能源材料的微结构之间的联系。迄今为止,其课题组在Nat. Commun., JACS, Angew. Chem., Adv. Mater., Matter, Adv. Funct. Mater. 等杂志发表文章120余篇。

王晓磊博士课题组受加拿大联邦自然科学基金、阿尔伯塔省政府基金、以及多项国家和企 业基金支持,迄今总数额已超 500 万加元。本人也获得多项奖项和荣誉,包括加拿大首席 科学家、阿尔伯塔大学优秀工程科研奖、康考迪亚大学首席科学家、以及加拿大石油优秀青年科学家奖等。

Prof. Xiaolei Wang is currently an associate professor in the Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering at the University of Alberta, and also titled Canada Research Chair in Batteries for Sustainability. He runs his Nano For Advanced Clean Energy (NanoFACE) laboratory and mainly focuses on the rational design, development, and application of novel nanostructured materials for energy-related technologies, including lithium (and other alkaline)-ion batteries, lithium-metal batteries, rechargeable aqueous batteries, metal-air batteries, supercapacitors, and electrocatalytic system for water splitting, CO2 reduction and fuel cells.  Prof. Wang received his Ph.D. at the University of California, Los Angeles, and took the postdoctoral training at the University of Waterloo.

Prof. Wang is the associate editors/young associate editors of several international journals including Energy & Environmental Materials, Renewables, and Frontiers in Chemistry, and editorial board members of Sustainability: Sustainable Chemistry, and Current Trends in Chemical Engineering and Processing Technology.  He has so far published over 120 papers in energy and nanotechnology fields including Nat. Commun., J. Am. Chem. Soc., Adv. Mater., Energy Environ. Sci., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Adv. Energy Mater., etc., and received a h-index of 46.  Prof. Wang serves as referees for over 70 international journals and many funding agencies, and is the recipient of Discovery Accelerator Supplement Grant, Petro-Canada Young Investigator Award, and Concordia University Research Chair-Young Scholar.  Prof. Wang has organized, chaired or co-chaired on many national (e.g., CCEC, CCCE) and international (e.g., MRS, ECS, EEST) conferences on energy or materials.




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精选全球最佳赌博网站排行榜,权威平台推荐与热门优惠合集,保障公平、公正与安全的博彩环境! 成立于2006年8月,其历史可追溯至1985年建立的深圳大学应用化学系和1995年建立的深圳大学师范学院化学与生物学系,现设有化学系、环境工程系、食品科学与工程系以及新能源科学与工程系  点击查看更多>>

