
王立秋教授为香港理工大学机械系讲席教授,在2022年加入香港理工之前,王教授于香港大学任机械系和生物医学工程专业讲席教授多年。王教授已在包括Science, Nature Nanotechnology, Nature Communications,Science Advances,Advanced Materials, PNAS, Physical Review Letters, Chemical Reviews, Progress in Materials Science等顶级期刊上发表论文270余篇,授权专利40余项,于39个国际学术杂志任Editor-in-chief/Editor/Associate Editor/Guest Editor/Editorial Board Member。获2017年OSA发明奖,2018年日内瓦国际发明博览会银奖,2018年TechConnect国际发明奖,2021年日内瓦国际发明博览会金奖。作为PI累计获批项目经费逾2.6亿港币,Co-PI参与国际空间站22亿美元的Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer项目。
Droplets of nano-/subnano-liter are useful in a wide range of applications, particularly when their size is uniform and controllable. Examples include biochemistry, biomedical engineering, food industry, pharmaceuticals, and material sciences. One example of their many fundamental medical applications is the therapeutic delivery system for delivering site-specific therapy to targeted organs in the body and as the carriers for newer therapeutic options. The size, size distribution, generation rate, structure,and manipulation at nano-/subnano-liter scales are critical in all these applications. Prof. Wang will show the big impact of small microfluidic droplets with an overview of their generation, manipulation, and application. Their precision generation counts on system geometries, fluid properties and flow rates; their effective manipulation is magically enabled with the phase separation, microfluidic channels, droplet overlay, and fiber or light touch; their beautiful application includes embolic particles, smart colloidosome drug delivery, super thermal conductors, and super anti-pathogenic coatings.