
学术讲座(三十二):Defect Electrocatalysis: Concept, Challenge and Controllable Synthesis of Defects

作者: 发布时间: 2021-04-27 浏览次数: [ ]

主讲人: 姚向东教授

时间: 4294:00

地点: 丽湖校区守信楼(原B1栋)518会议室



Dr Xiangdong Yao is a full Professor of Energy Materials at Griffith University Australia. He was originally from China where he finished his Primary, Senior and Tertiary education. He obtained his BEng at Northeastern University in 1989 and MEng at Northwestern Polytechnical University in 1992 respectively for Materials Science and Engineering. From 1992 to 2000, he was employed in Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences as Research Associate (1992), Assistant Professor (1995) and Associate Professor (1998). In 2000, he came to The University of Queensland where he was granted the PhD degree in Materials Engineering in 2005, working on the computational modeling for microstructure formation in light metals. From November 2003, he joined the ARC Centre of Excellence for Functional Nanomaterials at The University of Queensland. Since November 2009, he relocated at Griffith University as an Associate Professor and the group leader of Advanced Energy Materials, and promoted to full Professor in late 2012. Dr Yao’s current research focuses on Energy Materials, especially hydrogen-related materials.


Electrocatalysis is the key for energy conversion and storage devices such as fuel cells, metal-air batteries and water splitting. The development of highly efficient and non-precious metal catalyst is extremely important. Recently, we presented a new concept of defect electrocatalysis, firstly for ORR, then expanded to OER and HER. Aiming to clarify the key role of defects in electrocatalysis, we developed new strategies to precisely control the defect synthesis, identifying the pentagon defects are major active sites for acidic ORR over pyridinic N, and further confirming the adjacent pentagons are the best for acidic ORR and the G585 favors the HER. Our research reveals that the intensively researched heteroatom-doping is through the electronic modification by heteroatoms on defects, e.g. defects are essential and the heteroatoms are helpful to optimize the electronic structures of active site. The active site is further constructed and identified exclusively by a precisely controlled synthesis. The concept of defect electrocatalysis is now widely accepted by the electrochemistry/catalysis community and becomes a very important research direction. Based on the new theory of defect catalysis, we have designed a series of electrocatalysts by modulating the electronic structure with various other species on defects including 3D nanoparticles, 2D nanosheets, 0D metal and non-metal atoms, which provides the principles of catalyst design and directional synthesis.





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