主讲人: Stephen Louis WilliamOn, 教授
时间: 12月10日下午2:30
地点: 深圳大学丽湖校区B1-420会议室

Stephen LouisWilliam On, Professor in Microbiology at Lincoln University, is an experiencedresearcher (H-index=45) with an international reputation, leadership andmanagement experience in research environments, track record in attractingextramural funding, excellent presentation, communication andrelationship-building skills and undiminished desire for scientific excellenceand advancement for public benefit. His current projects include: Arcobacter:Molecular epidemiology of antibiotic resistance: Advanced photonic methods forcharacterising bacteria: Proteomics of winemaking yeast; Metagenomics of wild-fermentedwines; Food safety of edible snails in Cameroon: Spectral analysis offat-filled milk products. The 2012-2018 Performance-Based Research Fund reviewrated me as an "A" grade researcher. I have also been engaged as anexpert witness and research consultant.