
学术讲座(八十六):Task-Specific Design andFunctionalization of Advanced Porous Organic Polymers for Water Purification

作者: 发布时间: 2019-12-16 浏览次数: [ ]


主讲人: Prof.Shengqian Ma

时间: 1220日上午10:00

地点: 丽湖校区B1420



Shengqian Ma obtained his B.S. degree from Jilin University, Chinain 2003, and graduated from Miami University (Ohio) with a Ph.D. degree in2008. After finishing two-year Director’s Postdoctoral Fellowship at ArgonneNational Laboratory, he joined the Department of Chemistry at University ofSouth Florida (USF) as an Assistant Professor in August 2010. He was promotedto an Associate Professor with early tenure in 2015 and to a Full Professor in2018.  

He received the USF Faculty Outstanding Research Achievement Awardin 2015 and the USF Outstanding Faculty Award in 2018. He is the recipient of2014 NSF CAREER Award and has been selected as the Thomson Reuters Highly CitedResearcher in 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019; he was also awarded theIUPAC-2015 Young Chemist Travel Award and the 2009 IUPAC Prize for YoungChemists from International Union of Pure & Applied Chemistry (IUPAC); hereceived the Young Investigator Award from American Chemical Society (ACS)Division of Inorganic Chemistry and the Director’s Postdoctoral Fellowship fromArgonne National Laboratory in 2008 as well.  

His current research interest focuses on the development offunctional porous materials including metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), covalentorganic frameworks (COFs), porous organic polymers (POPs), and microporouscarbon materials for energy, biological, environmental-related applications. Hehas published more than 200 papers (over 160 since independent career) with thetotal citations over 20000 and the H-index of 70.



Porous organic polymers (POPs) both amorphous andcrystalline represent an emerging class of nanoporous materials, and theyfeature robust covalent framework structures with high water and chemicalstability. This, together with their high surface areas and tunable pore sizes,makes them hold promise for a variety of applications. We will demonstrate howPOPs can be task-specific designed and functionalized via either de novosynthesis or stepwise post-synthetic modification for applications in water purificationincluding oil spill cleanup, heavy metal removal, and nuclear wastetreatment.  





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