
学术讲座(五十):Dryingof Food with a High Sugar Content: A Material Science Approach

作者: 发布时间: 2019-09-16 浏览次数: [ ]


主讲人:Prof. Bambang Nurhadi

时间: 2019917日上午10:00

地点: 深圳大学西丽校区B1-420会议室



Dr. BambangNurhadi is Professor in Department of Food Industrial Technology, Faculty ofAgric. Industrial Technology, Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia. His work isfocus on designing and fabricating foodstuffs by understanding foods structuralfeatures, physicochemical properties and functionalities in physiologicalenvironment. His research area includes (1) structuring food emulsions fornutrient and flavor delivering, (2) designing foods specific structures forhigh sugar containing systems, (3) stabilization of honey powder and releventingredients, and (4) foods dehydration and granulation.



Foods with highsugar content like honey, coconut juice/sap, ripe fruit, and fruit juice aredifficult to dry. The drying problem of those product are their stickiness andnot dried completely after even long time of drying. Their solid are rich in sugarcontent such as fructose, glucose and sucrose and they are usually also rich inacid content. The sugar especially monosaccharide such as fructose and glucoseand acid have very low glass transition temperature and as a consequence theglass transition temperature of anhydrous solid of those products are very lowand it make the drying process becoming difficult. The presentation wouldexplain the drying principle of those food with high sugar content to obtainsuccessful dried products and to maintain its stability during storage. To besuccessful in drying of high sugar material, the dried material should be inglassy amorphous state. The glass transition temperature of the material beingdried (Tg) should be increased by adding high molecular weight of drying aidmaterials like maltodextrin, starch, Arabic gum. Those materials have high Tg.The stability of dried material is maintained by storing above its criticalwater content and water activity by controlling storage temperature and use ofpackaging materials with low permeability to water vapor.




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