
学术讲座(三十八):Highlights of 15 years of POPs monitoring under the Stockholm Convention

作者: 发布时间: 2019-06-24 浏览次数: [ ]


主讲人: Prof. Heidelore Fiedler

时间: 2019625日下午2:30

地点: 深圳大学西丽校区B1-420会议室


Heidelore("Heidi") Fiedler is a professor of chemistry at Örebro University inÖrebro (Sweden).  She joined the MTM Research Centre - School of Scienceand Technology - in July 2015. She graduated with a MSc. in chemistry and aPh.D. in science from the University of Saarland in Germany. From 1998 until2015, she has worked with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) inGeneva (Switzerland) and for 13 years as a senior researcher at the Universityof Bayreuth (Germany) and the Bavarian Institute for Waste Research (BIfA,Germany).

HeidiFiedler is the chair of the International Dioxin Symposium (Dioxin20XX) and hasbeen the editor of the POPs section of Chemosphere for many years. She presentsthe government of Germany at UNEP for the report on progress in PCB eliminationand on dioxin inventories and best available techniques (BAT/BEP). She is alsoa visiting professor at Tsinghua University and Jinan University.

Hermain research interests are formation and releases of environmental pollutantssuch as dioxins and furans but also other chemicals, fate/transport of POPs andhuman exposure. She has developed the “Toolkit for identification andquantification of unintentional POPs” to support the StockholmConvention.  Another major interest is capacity building and assessment ofperformance of POPs laboratories by (co-)organizing interlaboratory proficiencytests. Her present research focus is on environmental monitoring of POPs in theenvironment within a UNEP project.







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