
学术讲座(三十六):Investigationof heterogeneous molecular structure for electrocatalysis applications

作者: 发布时间: 2019-06-03 浏览次数: [ ]


主讲人: Prof. Xin Wang

时间: 201966日下午2:00

地点: 深圳大学西丽校区B1-420会议室


Prof. Xin Wangreceived his Bachelor (1994) and Master (1997) degrees in Chemical Engineeringfrom Zhejiang University, and Ph. D (2002) in Chemical Engineering from HongKong University of Science and Technology. From 2003 to 2005, he worked as aresearch fellow at University of California, Riverside, and concurrently, asR&D director for a startup fuel cell company. He joined NanyangTechnological University as assistant professor in 2005 and was promoted toassociate professor with tenure in 2010 and full professor in 2016. He has beenworking on electrocatalysis and electrochemical technology for energyharvesting. His recent research focus includes 1) rational design of functionalnanomaterials for electrocatalysis in energy and environmental applicationssuch as fuel cells, CO2 electro-reduction and water splitting, and 2)electrochemical reactor with co-generation of electricity and valuablechemicals. He has published ~200 SCI papers with citations over 18000 (Web ofScience) and H index of 66. He is a Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC)and Clarivate Analytics Highly Cited Researcher 2018 (Cross-field).



MolecularCo2+ ions were grafted onto doped graphene in a coordination environment,resulting in the formation of molecularly well-defined, highly activeelectrocatalytic sites at a heterogeneous interface for the oxygen evolutionreaction (OER). The S dopants of graphene are suggested to be one of thebinding sites and to be responsible for improving the intrinsic activity of theCo sites. The turnover frequency of such Co sites is greater than that of manyCo-based nanostructures and IrO2 catalysts. Through a series of carefullydesigned experiments, the pathway for the evolution of the Co cation-basedmolecular catalyst for the OER was further demonstrated on such a single Co-ionsite for the first time. In another demonstration of molecular Ni2+ basedsystem, We found for the first time that the presence of Fe3+ ions in thesolution could bond at the vicinity of the Ni sites with a distance of 2.7 Å,generating molecularly sized and heterogeneous Ni-Fe sites anchored on dopedgraphene. These Ni-Fe sites exhibited drastically improved OER activity. It isrevealed that the Ni-Fe sites adsorbed HO‾ ions with a bridge geometry, whichfacilitated the OER electrocatalysis.




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