主讲人: Dr Xiangdong Yao
时间: 2019年5月14日上午10:00
地点: 西丽校区化院一楼报告厅

ProfessorXiangdong Yao
Professor ofEnergy Materials
State KeyLaboratory of Inorganic Synthesis and Preparative Chemistry, Jilin University,China
School ofEnvironment and Sciences, Griffith University, Australia
Dr Xiangdong Yaois a full Professor of Energy Materials and Griffith University Australia. Hewas originally from China where he finished his Primary, Senior and Tertiaryeducation. He obtained his BEng at Northeastern University in 1989 and MEng atNorthwestern Polytechnical University in 1992 respectively for MaterialsScience and Engineering. From 1992 to 2000, he was employed in Institute ofMetal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences as Research Associate (1992),Assistant Professor (1995) and Associate Professor (1998). In 2000, he came toThe University of Queensland where he was granted the PhD degree in MaterialsEngineeng in 2005, working on the computational modeling for microstructureformation in light metals. From November 2003, he joined the ARC Centre ofExcellence for Functional Nanomaterials at The University of Queensland. SinceNovember 2009, he joined Griffith University as an Associate Professor and thegroup leader of Advanced Energy Materials, and promoted to full Professor inlate 2012. Dr Yao’s current research focuses on Energy Materials, especiallyhydrogen-related materials.