主讲人:Prof. Youhong Tang (唐友宏教授)
时间: 2019年4月18下午3:00
地点: 深圳大学西丽校区B1-420会议室

Dr Youhong Tang isa Professor and was an Australian Research Council-Discovery Early CareerResearcher (ARC-DECRA) fellow at Flinders University. He obtained his PhDdegree in the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) in 2007.He moved to Flinders University in 2012 from the University of Sydney. He is amaterial science and engineering researcher with research interests mainlyfocused on (1) Structure-processing-property relationship of polymeric(nano)materials; (2) Biomaterials, biosensors and their devices withaggregation-induced emission features. In the last 5 years, he has published>120 SCI journal papers, 9 book chapters and 2 books and has secured 5 fundsfrom Australia Research Council, 1 fund from Australian Solar Thermal ResearchInitiative and 3 funds from South Australian Government.
Twocases of aggregation-induced emission fluorogens (AIEgens) for medical andenvironmental applications, conducted in Flinders University recently have beenhighlighted in this talk, which includes (1) Point-of-care of chronic kidneydisease with smart phone devices. The urine albumin to creatinine ratio (UACR)test is a standard urine test for identifying individuals at high risk ofdeveloping progressive kidney disease. IDATPE and BSPOTPE are successfullydeveloped for creatinine and human serum albumin (HSA) quantitation,respectively with high selectivity. 3D printed imaging house is attached to asmartphone for quantitatively analyses HSA & creatinine concentration inurine to get UACR is developed and (2) Rapid detection of explosives by using AIEgenand the associated devices for remote sensing. An AIE-active polytriazolecoated fibre tip sensor was developed to detect picric acid with its detectionlimit down to 100 ppb. The fibre sensor requires an analysis time of only a fewminutes and shows strong photostability and high reusability and is promisingfor remote sensing of explosives in dangerous environments.