
学术讲座(十九):Fabricationand Commercialisation of Environmental Benign and High-Performance WaterbornePolymer Nanocomposites

作者: 发布时间: 2019-04-10 浏览次数: [ ]



时间: 2019412日上午10:30-11:30

地点: 西丽校区B1420





Waterbornepolymer nanocomposites have got extensive attention due to its environmentalfriendliness, good processability and wide applications in coating and energymaterials. The presentation will be given based on three research projects.Firstly, the cellulose fiber/polypyrrole conductive nanocomposites paper hasbeen prepared through in-situ chemical oxidation polymerization with differentdopants, demonstrating the enhanced conductivity, high stability, andmechanical properties. These products have been applied for anti-static,electromagnetic shielding and energy-storage materials.

Since2010 we used the conducting polymers such as polypyrrole and polyaniline as theraw materials to fabricate waterborne conductive composites. These waterborneconductive composites can be directly used as the conductive ink or coatings toimprove the conductivity and mechanical properties of the flexible paper, whichis also suitable for largescalable production.

Anothersuccessful project is the synthesis of volatile organic compounds (VOC)-freepolymer coatings for metallic anti-corrosion, enhancing paper mechanicalproperties and wood surfaces protection. VOCs are widely used as ingredients inhousehold products, e.g. paints, varnishes, and wax that all contain organicsolvents, which causes short- and long-term adverse health effects. The relatedtalk will involve the design and properties of the waterbornepoly(urethane-acrylate) coating, waterborne polyacrylate coating, waterborneepoxy resin coating, waterborne polyaniline anti-corrosion coating andwaterborne graphene anti-corrosion coating.





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