
学术讲座(十五):2D Nanomaterials Beyond Graphene: Chemistry and Electrochemistry

作者: 发布时间: 2019-03-27 浏览次数: [ ]


主讲人: Prof. Martin Pumera

时间: 2019328日上午9:00

地点: 深圳大学西丽校区B1-420会议室


Martin Pumera isthe Director of the Center for the Advanced Functional Nanorobots and a tenuredfaculty member at University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague. He receivedhis Ph.D. at Charles University, Czech Republic, in 2001. After twopostdoctoral stays (in the United States, Spain), he became tenured groupleader at the National Institute for Materials Science, Japan, in 2006. In 2010Martin joined Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, where he worked astenured associate professor for almost a decade. Prof. Pumera has broadinterests in nanomaterials and microsystems, in the specific areas ofelectrochemistry and synthetic chemistry of 2D nanomaterials, nanotoxicity,micro and nanomachines, and 3D printing. Martin is “2017 & 2018 HighlyCited Researcher” by Clarivate Analytics (as the only chemist in the CzechRepublic). He published over 600 papers which received more than 20,000citations. Martin's h-index is 82. Martin has supervised 22 PhD students, 8Master students and over 50 BSc students. Total funding martin received as PIis 17.1 M EURO.



In this talk, Iwill discuss various chemical and electrochemical properties of 2Dnanomaterials, such transition metal dichalcogenides, and group 15 elements,such as black phosphorus, arsenene, antimonene and bismuthene. We will discussexfoliation techniques, such as liquid phase shear exfoliation andelectrochemical intercalation exfoliation. I will discuss chemistry andderivatization approaches for TMDs, black phosphorus and the use of thesematerials for sensing.




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