
学术讲座(十三):Processand Material Innovation for Gas Industry

作者: 发布时间: 2019-03-22 浏览次数: [ ]



时间: 328日上午10:30

地点: 深圳大学西丽校区B1-420会议室



Dr Gang (Kevin) Lireceived both his Bachelor and Master degree in Chemical Engineering fromTianjin University (China), and later PhD (2010) at Monash University. After ayear of teaching and research fellowship at Monash, Dr Li moved to TheUniversity of Melbourne as a CO2CRC Research Fellow for 10 months, resuming hisresearch on the development of clean energy through interplay of materialsengineering and chemical engineering. In 2012, Dr Li took up a ResearchAssistant Professor position at the University of Western Australia, where hestarted to lead a research team focusing on novel technologies for natural gasseparation and recovery of low grade methane, and in the meanwhile serving as alecturer teaching undergraduates core chemical engineering units.

Dr Li was anawardee of the ARC DECRA fellowship ($376,970 for year 2014 – 2016), and he isalso a co- founder and one of the three theme leaders of the $8.8 million ARCIndustrial Transformation Training Centre (Australian Centre for LNG Futures).Recently, Dr Li was awarded $1M start-up grant via the Global InnovationLinkage program by Australian government to commercialize his award winningmethane capture technology. Dr Li discovered the “molecular trapdoor” effectand established the LJM (Li-Jensen-May) isotherm model. He has 12 inventionpatents including 3 PCT patent and research publications in most of the top chemistryand chemical engineering journals (e.g. Nature Comm, JACS, AIChE J, Chem EngSci ) with a total citation over 1500 and an H-index of 21 (Google Scholar).



Maintaining thecompetitive advantage of Australia’s hundred-billion dollar resource industryrequires ongoing development of expertise and technologies in exploration,development, processing and environmental management. Here we share examples ofhow we helped to address several challenges in the field of natural gas andmineral processing, and how these efforts led to the advance of knowledge.

We firstly showour recent invention of a new class of methane adsorbents named ionic liquidiczeolites (ILZs) for methane capture/upgrade in gas industry. Methane is thesecond largest greenhouse gas but unlike CO2, it is also an important cleanenergy source. Methane capture is practically a problem of separating CH4 fromN2, which remained very challenging because these two molecules are similar insize, both non-polar and inert. Through guidance by molecular simulations, ILZswith organic cations [N1111]+, were designed and prepared showing anunprecedented CH4/N2 selectivity of 6-9. The superior performance of ILZs wasdemonstrated in a pilot scale dual-reflux pressure swing adsorption apparatus,successfully enriching a 2.6%vol dilute methane into a 60%vol rich productwhile producing a methane free (< 100 ppm) vent.

Another majoreffort goes to the study of the mechanism and application of stimuli-responsivematerials in which the pore accessibility can be regulated by heat, light,chemicals, and potentially electricity. A physical model is presented toexplain the atomic-level chemistry and structure of the thermally regulatedmicropores, which is crucial to systematic engineering of new functionalmaterials such as tuneable molecular sieves, gated membranes andcontrolled-release nanocontainers. The model was validated experimentally withH2, N2, Ar, and CH4  on three classes of microporous materials: trapdoorzeolites, supramolecular host calixarenes, and metal-organic frameworks. Wedemonstrate how temperature can be exploited to achieve appreciable hydrogenand methane storage in such materials without sustained pressure. Thesefindings also open new avenues for gas sensing and isotope separation.




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