
学术讲座(八):DissectingAnaerobic Digestion Microbiome

作者: 发布时间: 2019-03-13 浏览次数: [ ]


主讲人: Wen-Tso Liu

时间: 2019318上午10:00

地点: 深圳大学西丽校区B1-420会议室



刘文佐教授是美国伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校(UIUC)土木与环境工程系的环境科学与工程项目的亚瑟•C•纳曼教授。在2008年加入UIUC之前,刘教授曾在台湾国立中央大学(1998-2001年)和新加坡国立大学(2001-2008年)任教。他的研究重点是“水体微生物组”,描述了微生物在不同的水系统中的生态作用,包括流域、饮用水系统以及废水处理和回收系统。在研究水体微生物组时,最大的挑战是充分了解微生物的作用,并将研究结果与各个水系统中的宏观大数据(即物理、化学和地质数据)联系起来。这些知识可进一步用于改善自然系统和工程系统内的水循环,并保护公共卫生。刘教授曾获得多项奖项,包括亚洲青年生物技术奖(2005年)和IWA-ISME生物集群奖特等奖(2018年)。他是环境微生物学的几个顶尖期刊的编辑委员会成员,包括《Frontiersin Microbiology》和Nature出版的《TheISME journal》。


Methanogenicbiological treatment or anaerobic digestion (AD) processes have been widelyused to treat and stabilize excessive sludge wasted from activated sludgeprocesses treating domestic wastewater as it can produce biogas as an alternativeenergy. While AD processes can effectively convert organic waste to CO2 andCH4, much of the microbial ecology remains unclear. Specifically, we haverather limited understanding on the acid degradation through syntrophicinteraction between syntroph sand methanogens. Also, we often observed manyuncharacterized or uncultivated organisms without knowing their functions inAD. What are these uncharacterized organisms doing in AD (function)? Do theyinteract with those known syntrophs and methanogens to achieve stable ADprocesses (interaction)? Clearly their contribution in AD warrants furtherinvestigation. My presentation will provide insights into these fundamentalquestions through the use of high-throughput DNA sequencing technologies. Ifirst share findings on how the digestion efficiency currently achieved at aWastewater Reclamation Plant can be explained through the analysis of microbialpopulations in the feed and the AD. These findings further serve as a basis toinvestigate/compare AD microbiome across different treatment plants atdifferent continents to better define AD microbiome. Last, I will share thesummary of an ongoing investigation of AD through a large-scale metagenomicsanalysis.




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