
学术讲座(六十七):IrishAgri-Food Research and Food Structure Design within Teagasc Food Research Centre Ireland

作者: 发布时间: 2018-12-19 浏览次数: [ ]



时间: 20181218日上午10:30

地点: 深圳大学西丽校区B1-420会议室


Dr.Song Miao is Senior Research Officer (permanent) and Principal Investigator inTeagasc Food Research Center, and also Adjunct Professor at University ofCollege Cork, Ireland. He joined Unilever Food and Health Research Institute in2006 and served as Global Research Manager and Research Scientist in FoodsStructural Designs at Teagasc since 2009. He is currently Management Committeemember of EU funded COST action FA1001 and MP1305. His work is focus ondesigning and fabricating foodstuffs by understanding foods structuralfeatures, physicochemical properties and functionalities in physiologicalenvironment. His research area includes (1) structuring food emulsions fornutrient and flavor delivering, (2) designing foods specific structures foredible delivery systems, (3) stabilization of prebiotic and dairy ingredients,and (4) foods dehydration and granulation. His research has resulted in morethan 60 papers in recent 3 years.



Thispresentation will give an overview on Irish Agri-Food Research and the FoodProgram in Teagasc Food Research Centre Ireland will in introduce in detail,including Teagasc Infrastructure, current research focus and how to worktogether with food industry, at the end of the talk, the Food Structure DesignProgram led by Dr. Song Miao will be briefed.




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精选全球最佳赌博网站排行榜,权威平台推荐与热门优惠合集,保障公平、公正与安全的博彩环境! 成立于2006年8月,其历史可追溯至1985年建立的深圳大学应用化学系和1995年建立的深圳大学师范学院化学与生物学系,现设有化学系、环境工程系、食品科学与工程系以及新能源科学与工程系  点击查看更多>>

