
学术讲座(六十三): Graphene Quantum Dots: The Next SmallBig Things

作者: 发布时间: 2018-11-26 浏览次数: [ ]



主讲人: Peng Chen教授

时间: 20181125日上午10:00-11:00

地点: 深圳大学西丽校区420会议室


After receiving bachelor’s andMaster’s degrees from Zhejiang University (China), Dr Peng Chen completed hisdoctorate in electrical engineering with research focus on electrophysiology atUniversity of Missouri - Columbia in 2002. Then he did his post-doctoraltraining in Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology at Harvard Universitywhere he conducted research on nanopore based single-molecule sensing and rapidDNA sequencing. In 2005, Dr. Chen joined Division of Bioengineering at NanyangTechnological University (Singapore) as an assistant professor. He is now afull professor of bioengineering in school of chemical & biomedicalengineering. Dr. Chen’s group works on nanomaterials (particularly graphenematerials) and their applications. He has published ~200 papers in reputablejournals. He is a fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry and a Highly Cited Researcher.


Graphene quantum dots (GQDs), whichare atomically-thin and nanometer-wide planar carbon structures, are the mostrecent addition to the nanocarbon materials family. These emerging 0D materialspromise a wide range of novel applications. In contrast to zero-gap 2D graphenesheets, 0D GQDs fluoresce due to quantum confinement induced bandgap opening. Alsoas compared to 2D graphene sheets, 0D GQDs are high dispersible; have largerfraction of edge sites; and can be more drastically tuned in chemiophysicalproperties through conjugation with various chemical groups, doping with heteroatoms,hybridization with other functional nanomaterials. In this presentation, wedemonstrate strategies to engineering GQD bandgap, application of GQDs forbioimaging, sensing and catalysis. Various methods to synthesize and modifyGQDs will be described in conjunction with the application examples.





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