
学术讲座(五十八):The Beauty of Molecules

作者: 发布时间: 2018-11-22 浏览次数: [ ]



时间: 20181122日上午10:30

地点: 深圳大学西丽校区B1-420会议室



Date of Birth:March 2, 1949

E-mail:[email protected]

Tel:886-2-2363 8305

Fax:886-2-8369 3765

Address:Department of Chemistry National Taiwan University

No.1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd., Taipei,Taiwan, R.O.C. 10617

Educational and Professional

National Taiwan University B.S.    1970

The University of Chicago  Ph.D.  1975

Northwestern University Post doctor     1975-1976

Current Position and Relevant Experience

National Taiwan University Professor  1980-Now

Universitaet Muenster, Germany     VisitingProfessor 2012

Academia Sinica Vice President 2011-2014

Universite de Strasbourg (ULP) , France    VisitingProfessor 2009

Institute of Molecular Science, Japan    VisitingProfessor 2008

Chuo University, Japan  VisitingProfessor 2004

University of Zaragoza, Spain   VisitingProfessor 2003

Chemical Society Located in Taipei President  2001-2002

Universite Louis Pasteur, France     VisitingProfessor 2000

National Taiwan University Vice President 1999-2002

Institute of Molecular Science, JapanNational Laboratory Visiting Scholar   1991

Department of Chemistry, National TaiwanUniversity Chairman 1987-1990

Institute of Chemistry, Academia Sinica     ActingDirector    1985-1987

Max-Planck Institute of Solid StateResearch   Humboldt Fellow      1983-1984

National Taiwan University AssociateProfessor   1976-1980

Honors and Awards

Humboldt Fellow                1983

Outstanding Young Alumni, National TaiwanUniversity              1985

Sun-Yat Sen Foundation, Academic Award            1991

Chinese Chemical Society (Taipei),Academic Award             1992

Ho Foundation, Academic Award               1996

National Science Council, OutstandingResearch Award               1986;1988; 1990; 1993

National Science Council, DistinguishedResearcher               1995;1998

Ministry of Education, Science Award             1996

Ministry of Education, Chair Professor            1997-2000

Member of Academia Sinica (Academician)                1998

Chang Foundation, Academic Award               2000

TWAS (The Third World Academy of Sciences)Prize in Chemistry               2002

Member of TWAS               2004

Phi Tau Phi Taiwan Chapter, OutstandingAchievement Award           2005

Y.Z. Hsu Scientific Chair Professor            2006

Taiwan-Frence Science Prize                2008

Chair Professor, National TaiwanUniversity               2006;2009; 2014

Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry              2009

International Award, Japan Society ofCoordination Chemistry           2011

FACS, Foundation Lectureship Award             2011

Presidential Science Prize of Taiwan                2013

Luigi Tartufari International ChemistryPrize, Italin Academy of Sciences 2014

Russian Academy of Engineering, ForeignMember                2014

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science(JSPS), Fellow                      2015

Distinguished Chinese Visiting ScholarLectureship of Hong Kong Baptist University       2015


The lecture is prompted by the paper ofProf. Roald Hoffmann (The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 48, 191-204,1990) and beadwork of my colleague, Prof. Bih-Yaw Jin.

The intention of the lecture is tointroduce the structural chemistry to general audiences. Many beautifulmolecules are presented by drawing, picture or real 3D model instead ofdifficult chemist’s language. After simple introduction of chemical bond, manymolecules are showing from organic molecules to inorganic molecules, coordinationcomplexes and organometallic complexes. Then giant molecules, proteins, DNAseven virus will be showing.

The final remark will be focused on myresearch molecules: metal string complexes. These molecules are fundamentallyimportant in the study of metal-metal bonding and also have great potentialapplications as molecular electronics.


Figure: The MolecularModel of Beads by Prof. Bih-Yaw Jin




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