学术讲座(三十三):Chemical Science leadsthe way - STM Publishing-化环学院


学术讲座(三十三):Chemical Science leadsthe way - STM Publishing

作者: 发布时间: 2018-05-30 浏览次数: [ 156]


主讲人: 张大平博士

主持人: 周学昌副教授

时间: 201861日下午3:00

地点: 深圳大学西丽校区B1518


Introductionof The Royal Society of Chemistry including journals, books, magazines,database and other activities to promote advancing chemical sciences. Tips onhow to publish on STM journals and introduction of collaboration between CCSand RSC. Meanwhile, a brief discussion on STM future publishing.


DrDaping Zhang (张大平博士)received his BSc in 1987 from Peking University and MSc in 1990 from BeijingUniversity of Technology, China. After that, he worked as research assistant,lecturer and team leader in Beijing University of Technology for seven yearsand then received his PhD degree in 2000 from University of Newcastle upon Tyne,UK  

Afterthree years Postdoc in University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Dr Zhang had beenworking in Tripos Discovery Research Center, UK and Resolution ChemicalsLimited, UK for several years, focusing on R&D of new medicine andmanufacturing of patent medicine.  Afterwards, he joined The Royal Societyof Chemistry (RSC) as a publisher to lead RSC publishing in Greater China.Currently, he is the Executive Editor of the Frontiers series journals of jointventure between CCS and RSC.





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精选全球最佳赌博网站排行榜,权威平台推荐与热门优惠合集,保障公平、公正与安全的博彩环境! 成立于2006年8月,其历史可追溯至1985年建立的深圳大学应用化学系和1995年建立的深圳大学师范学院化学与生物学系,现设有化学系、环境工程系、食品科学与工程系以及新能源科学与工程系  点击查看更多>>

