

作者: 发布时间: 2018-05-25 浏览次数: [ ]


主讲人: Prof. Zhiyong Fan


时间: 511日下午2:45-3:30

地点: 西丽校区B1一楼报告厅


   Materialsmade of nano/micro-structures have unique physical properties, such as fastcarrier transport, high surface-to-volume ratio, mechanical flexibility,sub-wavelength optical waveguiding, etc. These intriguing properties can beharnessed for a variety of applications in electronics and photonics. In thepast, we have fabricated an assortment of arrayed nanostructures consist ofnanowires, nanopillars, nanocones, etc., using a variety of materials frominorganic semiconductorsto organometal perovskite materials. Thesenanomaterials can be fabricated with chemical vapor deposition method and/orprintable method with scalability. The optical properties of thesenanostructures have been systematically investigated and the mechanism of lighttrapping was revealed. Meanwhile, the materials have been fabricated intovarious electronic devices, including sensors, light emitting diode and solarcells. The study has shown that three-dimensionally (3-D) arrayednanostructures can help to improve device performance as well as theflexibility. However, proper structural optimization is not trivial.Particularly, using printable method and template guided growth method,semiconductor nanowires have been fabricated into planar arrays and 3-D arraysfor photodetectors. Overall, the nanostructure integration methodology that wedeveloped may enable many applications on electronics and optoelectronics inthe future.  



   Dr. Zhiyong Fan received his B. S.and M. S. degrees in Materials Science from Fudan University, Shanghai, China,in 1998 and 2001. He received Ph.D. degree from University of California,Irvine in 2006 in Materials Science as well. From 2007 to 2010, he worked atUniversity of California, Berkeley as a postdoctoral fellow in department ofElectrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, with a joint appointment withLawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. In May 2010, he joined The Hong KongUniversity of Science and Technology (HKUST) and currently he is an associateprofessor in department of Electronic and Computer Engineering. Dr. Fan has wona number of awards including, UC Berkeley BSAC Outstanding ResearchPresentation Award, HKUST Young Investigator Award and HKUST President’s Awardand Innovation Award, etc. His research interest focuses on fabrication andcharacterization of nanomaterials and nanostructures, their applications forelectronics and energy harvesting.He has published more than130 referred paperswith over 13,000 citations and H-index of 54.Currently he is serving as an AssociateEditor Nanoscale Research Letters.




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精选全球最佳赌博网站排行榜,权威平台推荐与热门优惠合集,保障公平、公正与安全的博彩环境! 成立于2006年8月,其历史可追溯至1985年建立的深圳大学应用化学系和1995年建立的深圳大学师范学院化学与生物学系,现设有化学系、环境工程系、食品科学与工程系以及新能源科学与工程系  点击查看更多>>

