
学术讲座(二十一):Downto Atomic-level Probing of Conjugated Phonon and Hot Carrier Transport

作者: 发布时间: 2018-05-25 浏览次数: [ ]

主讲人: XinweiWang, Professor

时间: 2018511日上午10:00-11:00

地点: 深圳大学西丽校区B1-320


This talk will cover our new technologydevelopment and frontier research on phonon and electron transport probingbased on Raman scattering, a technology traditionally widely used for structureanalysis. The Raman-based thermal probing in two areas of our work will becovered. The first one is micro/submicron particle induced near-field effect.This phenomenon has been widely used in surface nanoscale structuring andimaging. For the first time, we have achieved nanoscale mapping ofparticle-induced thermal, stress, and optical fields under near-fieldexcitation at a 20 nm resolution. This represents a very exciting advance forfar-field thermal probing of near-field thermal phenomenon with an ultra-highresolution. The second area is our recent development of energy transport-stateresolved Raman (ET-Raman). This is a breakthrough that pushes the physicsprocess study down to nanosecond and picosecond scales, and is able tosimultaneously characterize the conjugated transport of phonons in the in-planeand across-plane directions and transport of hot carriers in the in-planedirection. 2D materials as thin as 1.8 nm have been investigated, and we areable to measure the in-plane thermal conductivity, interface thermalresistance, and hot carrier diffusion coefficient/mobility at the same time.This provides the most advanced and accurate phonon and electron transportstudy of virgin 2D materials.


Dr. Xinwei Wang is a full professor atIowa State University (//web.me.iastate.edu/wang). He obtained his Ph.D.from the School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University in 2001, and hadhis M.S. (1996) and B.S. (1994) from the University of Science and Technologyof China. Over the past 17 years, he has led his laboratory to develop noveltechnologies for micro/nanoscale thermal characterization, studyultrafast-lasermaterial interaction, investigate light-structure coupling, and probe energytransport in various materials down the sub-nm scale. His current work focuseson energy transport in macromolecules, 2D atomic layer materials, atomic scaleinterface phonon energy transport, and in-situ probing and characterization offuels in nuclear reactors. He has published 136 papers in highly-visiblejournals. He received the inaugural Viskanta Fellow Award of Purdue Universityin recognition of his pioneering and independent work in thermal sciences. Heis the recipient of the 2014 mid-career award for research of Iowa StateUniversity. He is the Fellow of American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)and Associate Fellow of American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics(AIAA). Currently, he is the associate editor of International Journal ofThermophysics, and on the editorial board of Journal of Thermal Stresses andScientific Reports.  






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