时间:2017年4月13日(星期四) 上午10:00
地点: 赌博网站
The phenomenon of adsorption of colloidal particles at interfaces to stabilize the emulsions has been known for more than a century. Today, particle-stabilized emulsions, or so-called Pickering emulsions are receiving growing attention in the scientific and industrial communities. However, our fundamental understanding of the connection between particle properties and emulsion characteristics is still surprisingly poor. This presentation will summarize the general principles used in the assembly of colloidal particles at liquid interfaces. In particular, I will discuss the physical behavior of colloidal particles trapped at the interfaces and address that Pickering emulsions can serve as a template for the fabrication of novel functional materials which will have a great potential for applying in a variety of applications.
于1996年在香港中文大学取得理學學士,2003年取得化学博士学位,師從吳奇院士。2003-2004年在德国BASF集团进行博士后研究,2005年前往美国明尼苏达大学化学系工作,2006年起在香港中文大学任教。在过去的几年中,魏涛博士的研究致力于高分子、胶体粒子在水油界面行为的研究、软物质的设计和合成及其相互作用表征等。迄今为止在国际知名期刊发表高质量论文90余篇。曾获得Youth Research Award和Research Excellent Award等奖励。